With incredible, often mind-bending storylines that provide food for thought and intriguing visuals, the science fiction genre, which dates back to 1902’s Le Voyage dans la Lune, is one of the most treasured by general audiences. What is so great about these films is how genre-blending and versatile they can be, providing audiences with unique narratives.

Although there are countless great sci-fi movies out there, some have fallen extremely short of the audience’s expectations, which can be particularly disheartening when they initially held great potential. From Downsizing to Battlefield Earth, we look back at some of the weakest sci-fi movies to date, courtesy of moviegoers on Reddit.

  • Dharma Curious
    210 months ago

    Honestly, I love it. I’m really embracing this whole “the jank is a feature” thing. It feels more… Real.