And even further, only those exact same two seats are ‘taken’ for every single showing.

I thought for sure the after church showings tomorrow would be at least somewhat full, but nope.

    5 hours ago

    Long legs is one of the like 6 movies I’ve wanted to see since about 2010. Still gonna wait for the torrent though as I mentioned because I don’t feel like selling a kidney for some buncha crunch.

    I like it even less as a date idea. I want to talk to my date not sit quietly next to them for 2 hours, and if it is something that will hinder conversation let’s at least go see some live music or a theater production or something like that. Personally I’d rather go to the nearest botanical gardens.

    The last movie I saw in theaters was 9 lmao, which came out 09/09/2009. Probably going to stay that way for a good long while, too.