This was included in the Star Trek Day content, but released separately a couple of days ago.

It’s nice to see Discovery getting a lot of love in this. It also really shows how great so many of Discovery’s vfx heavy scenes have been.

    449 months ago

    I’m not a huge fan of IP milking but I gotta say I like what they’ve done so far with like lower decks and Strange New Worlds

    • @StillPaisleyCatOP
      79 months ago

      Or Short Treks, which was referred to as a fifth series at one point.

      The Prodigy erasure is brutal and unbecoming.

      I really feel like I’m back in the late 70s with the TAS erasure.

  • Nmyownworld
    109 months ago

    It is nice to see Discovery, and my favorites of the recent Star Treks – PIC and LD, getting some love. Paramount continuing to pretend that there is no such thing as Prodigy is annoying. Prodigy is not my cup of tea, but I support other Star Trek fans who enjoy the show.

    • @gnuplusmatt
      109 months ago

      The video is from Paramount Plus, who don’t currently have the rights to Prodigy, even though the parent company does. If they included it in their promotional material it would effect their ability to either sell those rights to someone else or write the show off for tax purposes.

      It’s convoluted and stupid, but running your streaming service as a separate entity is how all the studios have it rigged up. Accounting ftw

      • Nmyownworld
        59 months ago

        It’s convoluted and stupid, but running your streaming service as a separate entity is how all the studios have it rigged up. Accounting ftw

        Convoluted, indeed. At this point, Paramount+ has zero say in Prodigy. Maybe Paramount+ even mentioning the existence of Prodigy might mess up their write-off (I’m saying this with zero sympathy for the “creative” accounting, just to be clear). I have no idea where Nickelodeon even factors in the Prodigy rights situation. Paramount allowed a sneak peek at Prodigy season 2, episode 1 before, WOW - Prodigy Second Season Sneak Peek!. All in all, a very frustrating situation. It seems the best we can do is keep Prodigy’s name alive online and in letters.

          19 months ago

          I have no idea how accounting works.

          Can you enlighten me why they did that? What’s this “creative” accounting?

          • Nmyownworld
            19 months ago

            I’m not an accountant. My understanding is that streaming companies are using accounting alchemy with write-downs to bump up what’s in the profit category for a quarter. A streaming program getting this treatment disappears from the streaming platform. The studio chooses to take a quick on paper profit now, rather than continue to carry a show for a possible profit later. Viewers are left in the lurch – the show(s) they enjoyed or intended to watch are gone. And creators are hung out to dry, as the programs they created and worked on are not only gone from the streaming service, but may never be seen again. Prodigy has the advantage of a vocal fan base. Many shows might never gain an audience because there is no longer any way to see them.

            Prodigy isn’t the only program Paramount+ disappeared. Paramount+ isn’t the only company doing this. Disney Plus removed a lot content earlier this year.

              39 months ago

              Bit backwards. They’re making it look like they’re taking a loss on paper in order to avoid “actual losses” which include paying their fair share of taxes as well as the creatives, actors and production folk that would otherwise receive residuals on the now extinct future profits. This tactic is a major driver in the current strikes.

  • downpunxx
    59 months ago

    I liked 99.9% of SNW, and look forward to more seasons of it, everything else, in humble opinion is unwatchable trash

        • @Wooster
          79 months ago

          The first three episodes or so do give off poor first impressions, but once Lower Decks finds its tempo, it keeps it, and absolutely flies with it.

        19 months ago

        I don’t think it’s particularly good. It’s not bad, there is some good acting, the aesthetics are nice. I’m not a fan of the writing. The character arcs are good, but the episode plots themselves are quite predictable.

    29 months ago

    If there was any doubt that Paramount was planning to put the IP back in hibernation with all of the cuts in the streaming industry, this promotion clip should ease those doubts.

    But i know people will still come back with doom and gloom. Im just trying to help you feel better.

    Stay positive Trekkies 🖖

      19 months ago

      I just dread whatever they try to replace Discovery with. As good as SNW turned out to be, it’s an aberration, and most Trek shows tend to get off to a pretty rocky start.

  • Shalakushka
    9 months ago

    Member Captain Pike? Member Spock? Member the Original Series? It’s a new era of trek, one where we are literally afraid of moving the timeline forward and giving you anything but retreads of existing characters, hamfisted attempts to mash the JJ movies into continuity for some reason, and space Family Guy.