“yeah, i just got my serotonin stock replenished early today”
I don’t believe this happened.
I do believe she is the annoying housemate who thinks that they have a great singing voice which they do not.
You must be great fun at parties…
Bold of you to assume I’m ever invited to parties.
Fair point.
You’re the one with the annoying reddit speach
You’re the one who attributes any expression you don’t like to Reddit based on no evidence or indication 🤷
“Based on no evidence or indication” lol what that saying was fucking all over reddit
And all over everywhere else too. First time I ever heard it was in a sitcom from the 80s ffs 🤦
We’re not in the 80s now mate. It’s home is reddit now
Its home is everywhere is my point. The phrase is ubiquitous wherever English is spoken or written. Attributing it to Reddit is like attributing “how are you doing?” without the stress on “you” to Joey from Friends.
As anything posted on Twitter, it should be assumed to be fake.
But what is reported isn’t far off from my anecdotal experience. I always sing, so when I don’t I have had people around me ask me why am I not singing.
Im with you on this. I used to have a coworker that sang all the time and it was the most annoying shit. He literally would be like “This is just to fund my music career” constantly. Making my eye twitch.
Bruh. This is a bad housemate. If your housemate is depressed for four months and you are this close with them, fucking talk to them earlier.
What indicates that they didn’t?
The surprised tone, sharing this indicates that there hadn’t already been a conversation about the silence in the house. They could have talked about it every day of those four months, but it doesn’t read like that to me
The surprised tone
Bro hearing texts
Doesn’t read as surprise to you?
That wasn’t the roommate
Yeah, it’s the tweeter’s surprised tone that I find relevant, not the roommates. The tweeter knows she’s depressed, the roommate knows it, but (I suspect) if the roommate had inquired about mental health due to lack of singing, the tweeter would not have been so surprised that her roommate was relieved she was singing.
They just wanted to know why they said “thank goodness” lol. It doesn’t speak for itself
Nothing about this indicates that the housemate didn’t talk to them. They very well could have been part of why they’re singing again!
Depression is a little more complicated than that, which I’m sure you know, but I think that is a necessary consideration.
Absolutely, but checking in is a must. It won’t fix it, but show people you care about them when they’re in the shit, not when they pull themselves out of it
What I’m saying is that they probably did talk. It could be inferred by the nature of their relationship that the housemate pays so much attention to their well-being. Nothing says or implies conversations didn’t happen around depression. But as you said, talking about depression isn’t a cure. It is complicated.