A comprehensive mapping of old subreddits to new communities.

  • Stampela
    1 year ago

    I’ve made a community for one of my favorite subreddit, but aside from letting the mods know they are invited to get their roles here, and informing my clan that there’s this place, I don’t know what to do. I’m decently respected in the subreddit so worst case scenario if I post about this the mods will just delete the post, but I don’t want to go around spamming and begging. Particularly not with the shit level of content I have right now. On the other hand if I do get an influx of people? I still have no idea how to mod and most importantly I don’t want to! I understand that at the beginning I might have to, but my hopes are to hand the whole thing over to the old mods.

    Ideas on what to do?