I’ve been looking for an Int-based chassis for an artful dodge TWF build, and one of the options that come up is the Alchemist. Trouble is, alchemist needs a free hand for bombs! Looking for archetypes that could replace that, I stumbled upon the Blood Alchemist.

It replaces Mutagens and Bombs for the ability to make magic circles out of your extracts that let you cast certain specific spell-like abilities at-will so long as you stand in them and don’t re-prepare your extract slots. It’s a huge trade for a unique benefit.

I’d imagine you could get up to some really funky construction shenanigans, having access to expeditious construction, shape stone, and fabricate. And then the potential of having a nearly always-on Magic Vestment & Greater Magic weapon for your entire party opens up a lot of options for situational weapons & armor sets.

What do you think of the archetype? Does it have potential? Does it give up too much?

  • doggoblingames@pathfinder.social
    1 year ago

    Definitely a unique idea! I’ve always thought to go Tiefling so I have a prehensile tail but I had not thought about just eliminating bombs altogether. It’s a bummer you need to be evil to use the Lifeblood ability though. I’ve been out of 1st edition to long to really comment on the balance but it seems to have potential.