We’ve previously mentioned Doc Rowe and his impressive archive of records and here’s an.earlier article looking at a few of.the weirdest customs he’s catalogued:

Rowe, now 74, has almost certainly attended and documented more folk rituals than anyone else alive. He maps out his year according to calendar customs: by the time you read this, he’ll be in Padstow for the town’s Obby Oss festival, which takes place on May Day. It’s his 57th visit.

NRowe’s trove is the subject of a new exhibition, Lore and the Living Archive, opening shortly in Rochdale. Three young artists have created work in response to his collection and this will be displayed alongside his own film footage and stills. “People often think of these traditions as being rather twee,” he says. “Little girls in white dancing round maypoles. But they are very far from that.”

To prove the point, we asked him to describe five of the most memorable …

  • theodewere@kbin.social
    11 months ago

    Haxey Hood is said to go back to the 14th century, when Lady de Mowbray, the wife of the local landowner, was out riding and the wind blew her hood off. Some farm workers chased and caught it and as a reward, she gave them land on the condition that they re-enacted the chase every year.

    keep the High Middle Ages alive boys… the Great Khan himself was terrorizing the civilized world when Her Ladyship started this quest…