• @Infynis@midwest.social
    446 months ago

    I hope this is his swan song. Patrick Stewart is amazing, and I love Captain Picard, but he’s not Harrison Ford. The franchise will be fine without him. We don’t need to play out Too Short a Season in real life

    • @EarMaster@lemmy.world
      406 months ago

      Three seasons of PIC were already a mistake. The only good thing coming from it is the possibility of a Riker cooking/baking show (which I would totally watch).

      • @Apollonius_Cone@lemmy.world
        266 months ago

        In rewatching the original series and TNG thereafter, the consistent factor, regardless of the early special effects, was the scripts. The dialogue was always great. In ST: Picard, the dialogue is trash.

        • @phoenixz@lemmy.ca
          166 months ago

          Everything about ST Picard is trash. Dialogue, script, Character behavior, 50 years of fransche history ignored, it was all written and executed by people who don’t like star Trek, cast excluded though I just don’t understand why any of the vast was on board with this turd. We’re they so desperate for money?

          • @lordnikon@lemmy.world
            13 months ago

            it’s even worse than that they write characters that are not in the world of star trek but written like they are fans of the star trek. that might work for a comedy like lower decks but it stunts growth of the franchise.

            since we can’t make new stories or ask new questions. They are just stuck in a circle of reference and the bare minimum of a story / scavenger hunt to get to those references. Terry Matalas has said this himself.

            But hey at least we have unedited versions of the originals unlike star wars and I hope all the actors got big paydays in their golden years.

      • @Avigrace@lemmy.world
        106 months ago

        2 seasons were a mistake and by far the worst trek seasons from any show, the third season while being massive fan service was just what I seemingly wanted as I loved every second and was a great ending to the TNG crew

        • smoothbrain coldtakes
          66 months ago

          I just watch the third season and pretend all of the random references to the early seasons happened in a more logical way.

          I knew somebody who was running a “what could have been” Star Trek TTRPG campaign based around episodes of Voyager that could have been executed better, I think I would love to run a campaign that had plot elements from Picard’s first two seasons as a personal headcanon.

    • @ursakhiin@beehaw.org
      56 months ago

      I think the difference between Stewart and Ford is that Stewart seems more to be doing it because he enjoys this character. Ford seems to be doing it in spite of his feelings.

      As long as Stewart is still having fun, I’m happy with him continuing as long as he wants.

  • @phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    256 months ago

    No. Please, no.

    The Picard show was already dreadfully bad and has effectively destroyed TNG and Q for me, please let the dead body rest on piece, no more.

      • @acockworkorange@mander.xyz
        166 months ago

        It’s dreadful. Just gathering up the old cast for nostalgia sake. Quite an anticlimactic resolution to the enemy fight too.

        • @ringwraithfish
          76 months ago

          That’s fair. I enjoyed it, but I can see why you wouldn’t. Hopefully we can agree at least 3 was better than 1 & 2.

          • @GregorGizeh@lemmy.zip
            106 months ago

            In my opinion the first Picard season is the best. It actually tries something different; a new crew and ship and rules.

            Season 2 is in that patronizing and lecturing tone that feels extra misplaced for anyone outside the United States.

            Season 3 is complete creative sellout and I hate it. It was sort of nice to see them all again, but that’s pretty much it. Nostalgia bait everywhere, with a weird hamfisted plot. Barely a single original idea in that series, just a theme park ride to check all the boxes… look at the old crew on the bridge! Even data is back after we just let him die in season 1! Look at the E N T E R P R I S E, and we are fighting the borg PLUS the changelings!

      • Samus Crankpork
        46 months ago

        Season 3 worked because of the ensemble cast, though. The first two where it was “Picard and Friends” felt weird, and not like what anyone really wanted, and if this is another “Just Picard” thing it’s likely to end up the same.

        • @ringwraithfish
          26 months ago

          I agree. Picard Season 3 felt like it should have been the final TNG movie, but I’m actually glad it was episodic since it gave better pacing for gathering the cast together.

          It was a lot of fam service, but in a good way imo

    • Handles
      46 months ago

      Oh man, I’d repressed the memory that Q was in s2 of Picard! I kind of liked the first season but the follow-ups were nostalgia dumpster fires. Literally what Sir PatStew said he didn’t want to make going into the show.

  • @darkpanda@lemmy.ca
    216 months ago

    I prefer to think that Picard is just still stuck in the Nexus and everything that has happened to him since has been a result of magic Nexus fever dreams.

    Movie Picard and PIC Picard acted nothing like TNG Picard to the point where they were seemingly completely different people. Movie Picard wanted to make the Borg pay for what they did and literally beat in dead Borg with his fists and snapped the Borg queen’s spine in two with his bare hands while TNG Picard knew things weren’t that cut and dry and even had an opportunity to potentially genocide the works of them and didn’t because ethics and shit. Movie Picard would have drove Hugh up to their doorstep infected with the fractal virus the first chance he had.

    PIC Picard… is literally an android I guess? But still old? They kind of ignored that later. So, literally he isn’t the same Picard as TNG Picard.

    The Nexus is my head canon.

    • @themoken
      16 months ago

      I… Don’t hate this. He meets Kirk too, which could be captain wish fulfillment. After his nephew is killed in such a stupid way he just exits reality and never returns.

      First Contact, like you said, is revenge on the Borg and saving Earth.

      Insurrection is then him inventing the perfect woman to save and finding the fountain of youth.

      Nemesis he fights an evil, young version of himself, which has gotta be worth a few years of therapy.

    • FaceDeer
      36 months ago

      I think it might be self-inflicted. Patrick Stewart is big enough that he can make it so with regard to the scripts. He’s the one that insisted there be a dune buggy chase scene in Nemesis, for example. And he’s pushed for more action and romance in the movies. I suspect that this is another case of a good actor or writer who works best when tempered by outside control.

      • @Jaccident
        16 months ago

        I don’t know that insistence is the right way to phrase it. Sir Patrick and Brent Spiner are good friends, IIRC Nemesis was written by Spiner’s old flatmate and best friend. As such the wants of the actors started creeping into the scripts, not out of insistence per se, but perhaps more out a natural affect of a close working relationship. Sometimes a healthy distance is most important between a writer’s room, and the cast.

  • @dangblingus@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    6 months ago

    I gave up watching Picard at the end of Season 1 after


    they kill Picard and replace him with an android.

    If it’s not actually Jean-Luc, I’m not interested. And I’m definitely not interested in returning to Picard’s universe with all of those boring ass characters if it means that they’ll do another time-travel plotline to save his life. Yawn.

    • @graded6827@feddit.uk
      186 months ago

      Season 1 and 2 sucked ass, but season 3 is actually pretty great and you can watch it as a stand alone without really needing to watch the previous 2 seasons.

      • @shartedchocolate@lemmy.world
        46 months ago

        Season 1 was such absolute dog shit. The orbital defense flowers, “JL” etc… but yeah, S3 feels like Kurtzman got kicked in the sack and someone else made Picard. I recommend watching S3 and forgetting the other two were ever made.

        Also in S1 Jean Luc Picard picked a bar fight. The person that had his dick dragged through a mile of broken glass getting killed by a Nossican over and over in a bar fight, went to pick a bar fight. What was that show?

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        36 months ago

        I strongly disagree. It had promise, but was ultimately very stupid. The entire show uses “Borg” as an excuse to explain away ridiculous concepts that are far-fetched and more akin to magic than technology.

      • Elise
        26 months ago

        I tried but it feels so shallow.

      • PrettyFlyForAFatGuy
        26 months ago

        season three was passable at best. people only say it was good because the first two were so unbelievably dogshit

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      56 months ago

      Picard had a lot of promise, and they almost got it, but overall it was trash IMO. More Star Wars and hand waiving than Trek. It was a beautifully made universe, the SFX were superb, but they seemed to spent all their time and money on that, and none on dialogue or character consistency. Picard is nothing of his former self. He spends three seasons whining and complaining rather than commanding. The writers invent a traumatic backstory for him, depicting his authoritative personality as a character flaw as a result of trauma, rather than a strength of character. I rather disliked what they did to him.

  • @bababooey@lemmy.world
    86 months ago

    Will skip this if it gets made. All good things for Picard really came to an end after that episode.

    • @themoken
      46 months ago

      This is First Contact erasure and I won’t stand for it.

        • @themoken
          46 months ago

          Agreed wholeheartedly.

          As some have mentioned, this could be a/another backdoor pilot for Legacy where Seven more or less takes the torch from Picard, similar to Picard taking it from Kirk in Generations - although that was obviously after TNG instead of before.

  • Value SubtractedMA
    76 months ago

    I heard only last night about a script that is being written, but written specifically with the actor, Patrick [Stewart], to play in it. And I’ve been told to expect to receive it within a week or so.

    Notably, that week was several weeks ago:

    TrekMovie has confirmed with Josh Horowitz that this interview was recorded in early November as Stewart was out promoting his new memoir, Making It So.

  • @feedum_sneedson@lemmy.world
    66 months ago

    He’ll die before it happens. Don’t think people realise quite how old the guy is. I love him to bits but it’s like David Attenborough, just let the man rest, he’s given us enough.

  • Johannes Jacobs
    56 months ago

    TBH, i never seem to like anything thats made after Voyager or Nemesis. And i understand it, the new movies and new series are made for a different (broader) audience, so it needs splendor and lots of shooting, but to me thats not what Star Trek was about.

    Ive always hoped they’d make a serie with the USS Prometheus, but alas! I’ll just keep rewatching Voyager and DS9 untill i die, i guess.

    • @c10l@lemmy.world
      96 months ago

      Strange New Worlds has been quite good tbh.

      Picard has its moments as well. It’s more valuable as a TNG revival than as a whole new ST work but it’s not bad, especially the last season.

      Discovery is one of the worst sci-fi ever produced though, so definitely stay away from it.

      • Marta Threadbare
        16 months ago

        @c10l @johannes idk, Picard S3 ends the same way as Prodigy S1, and Prodigy does it better IMO.

        Discovery started well and got boring by always doing the "galaxy ending thing only us have detected and can solve (something picard does too, but not as many times in a row at least).

      • @graded6827@feddit.uk
        06 months ago

        Glad to see someone else hating on discovery, on the Star Trek subreddit everyone’s obsessed with it and I thought it was hot garbage

        • @themoken
          26 months ago

          All of the arguments I see for Discovery are based on representation and that’s literally the only thing the show got right. It’s like yeah, it’s great to have a diverse cast… I just wish they were on screen doing something good. Trek lives and dies in the writing, all the acting, effects, and out of universe concerns won’t save it from absolutely horrendous writing.

          If they’d have done SNW style plots with DSC cast, it would have been amazing from the beginning.

        • @accideath@lemmy.world
          26 months ago

          I‘d say Discovery has its moments (aka those including Jason Isaacs or Anson Mount) but yea, the Series as a whole is rather bad with an annoying as fuck main character…

  • Rom [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Please just fucking retire TNG already. It’s time to move on. Give us that Seven show with a gay captain. I’d watch the hell out of that.

    • Corgana
      26 months ago

      My instinct is to agree with you but I also felt the same way when they announced Star Trek VI and that’s the best Trek film of all time.

  • Seven
    56 months ago

    If this thread is anything to go by, me and my other half were the only people on the planet that actually enjoyed Picard S1 and 2, and didn’t like S3 as much.

    In that spirit, if a film is made I look forward to enjoying it even if I’m the only one.

    • astroPug
      36 months ago

      @7of9 @USSBurritoTruck

      I’ll raise my hand and say that I actually enjoyed all three seasons. I felt like 1 and 2 had a sense of melancholy at times, but that was welcome. Kind of felt right at that time in my life.
      3 I really liked for the interpersonal relationships, and that sense of wonder in space.

      • Seven
        26 months ago

        Well, 1 and 2 both dealt with deep themes of grief and generational trauma … I appreciated that they tried to write a story with a deep meaning to it, even if it didn’t 100% work it was better than a lot of the recent things I’ve watched

        • astroPug
          26 months ago


          Yes, I found it resonated with me.

          I was a kid when I first watched TNG reruns, and things seemed safe and optimistic to me. It was also the nature of television to almost reset characters from episode to episode, no matter how difficult or traumatic the previous episode was. (An exception would be the episode where Picard mends fences with his brother and begins facing the trauma of having been assimilated.)

          And I think that was good tv in its own right.


          • astroPug
            26 months ago


            But Season 1 Picard took a different approach, and showed Picard dealing with past disillusionment (the loss of his career which was his purpose, et .) in a more long term manner. It wasn’t just gone. And to me, it made sense in the context of my own life. As I aged, I didn’t recover from past hurts quite as quickly either. But we work through it and grow, at any age, and I think that’s what Picard as a character did as well.


            • astroPug
              6 months ago


              He’s a different person at that age, definitely more careful, and he’s aware that he doesn’t have all his former health, abilities or status - and that’s ok! He saves people, reconnects (and makes up) with old friends, and has a long-term relationship (maybe?). He’s doing pretty well!

              Plus, he reminded Starfleet and the Federation a little of ideals.

              All that, I found very hopeful and more effective as if neither Starfleet nor Picard had ever met failure.

              Lol, sorry that was long!

              • Seven
                26 months ago

                Don’t be sorry for your reply being long, it was clearly well thought out and considered. I agree on all the points you’ve made … perhaps the majority of people here didn’t like Picard 1 & 2 because it wasn’t repeating the type of story telling that Star Trek has typically given, but was a whole new thing. People, generally, don’t like change and I think in the current world there’s comfort to be had in the “monster of the week” style 90s shows.

                • astroPug
                  15 months ago


                  Thank you.

                  Yes, I think so, too. Familiarity is comforting, and I also feel that episodic storytelling is comforting, because it’s reminiscent of my childhood, and because it introduces new, interesting concepts but sticks with a familiar structure. I just get value out of the other type of stories as well.

                  I am curious what they’ll do for a Picard movie - or a show of Seven and crew.

    • @ursakhiin@beehaw.org
      36 months ago

      I enjoyed all 3 seasons of Picard. I’ll likely enjoy this movie. It’s always a joy to see Patrick Stewart in a dramatic role.

      • Seven
        16 months ago

        Well, I’m glad it wasn’t just me, lol … I figured some people must have enjoyed it otherwise they’d have left it at one season!

    • @Fades@lemmy.world
      26 months ago

      I liked all 3, 3 being hit or miss but overall enjoyable for me. Season 2 had a lot of fun parts

      • Seven
        26 months ago

        The thing I liked with 1 and 2 was that they both tried to tackle big ideas of past trauma, even if it didn’t come out well the big thinking was in there while a lot of recent things I’ve watched has felt skin deep at best

  • katy ✨
    6 months ago

    i will always love a new picard movie since i have memories of watching tng with my dad and i loved picard but i still want them to make star trek legacy