• OpenStars
    9 months ago

    This is a stark reminder that while people like to blame Biden for many things, he cannot do much on his own - he often is merely the face for entire coalitions that extend deep into politics and indeed society at large.

    • takeda@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Gotta love downvotes when something sensible is being said, but doesn’t match the narrative.

      If you look at who voted and how you can see that all Republicans (with no exception) were against it, those 11 were only Democrats.

      There are comments I saw, people promising to view for trump because of the Palestine situation. You can see this is the guy who moved US embassy to Jerusalem, who worked with Israel on “peace” deal with Palestine without them even being invited. And whose party overwhelmingly supports arguing Israel as you can see here.

      Biden at least is blocking this effort by trying Israeli help with Ukraine. Republicans are actually demanding to split it, because they only want to arm Israel.

      • OpenStars
        9 months ago

        (1) Do not underestimate the amount of bots on Lemmy… :-P

        (2) There is no room for subtlety or nuance in the minds of someone’s head who is not receptive to such. Even from the perspective of like trying to find a “diagnosis” that is the first step towards racing towards a cure. In my mind, the journey of a thousand miles does NOT begin with a single step - it starts with figuring out where you are, especially irt where you want to head towards. Like if you want to go 3000 miles West, perhaps you should travel 500 miles East instead, then get on an airplane, then fly over the water easily, rather than figure it all out on-the-fly. In 5-6 BC Laozi said the equivalent of “a bowl is most useful when empty” - e.g. listen / think / consider before immediately filling yourself up with stuff that may not turn out to be so useful later on. ~2500 years later, most people still seem to be diametrically opposed to this. Most people will never learn, no matter how many millennia you wait for it to happen.:-(

        (3) There are an extremely large number of pro-Putin supporters on Lemmy as well, whether they even realize this fact themselves or not. Many rural Americans are even starting to proudly display the literal Russian flag, or perhaps a Hungarian one, alongside the Confederate one and sometimes a defaced version of the USA one as well (fun side-track thought: the Constitution, specifically the First Amendment, allows the flag to be burned as a form of protest, but it does not allow for it to be modified in any way - it must be whole and pure, even if burned, without lines added and such, especially since the 1968 clarification after all the Vietnam War protests). Then others who side with them may not choose to display such flags themselves, but neither do they condemn those that do, and even work to protect their rights to do so, and thus it spreads. The fact that many people do not even know the origins of their beliefs (e.g. many anti-vax memes have been tracked back and found to originate from Russian servers; I am not saying that that cause originated there but it was certainly inflamed by a huge influx of support from there that made it appear much more popular, especially in the beginning, than it actually was over here) in no way takes away how strong their support is for the cause, and in fact likely enhances it b/c they can do so free of any burdens of conscience.

        Meanwhile, people like Bernie Sanders are actually trying to get shit done, but it’s going to be difficult if not impossible due to all of the various factors involved. e.g. our literal contract that we signed with Israel for one - perhaps we should not have given our word as we did, but once given, will we now retract it, seeing how our aid is being misused? It also does not help one bit that this is election season - i.e. if we shut off aid to Israel, as gas prices start to rise again Republicans will start up on all the “Thanks Biden” and “Let’s Go Brandon” memes, so he may very much be damned if he does, but double-damned if he does not, yet quadruple-damned if he does, plus it’s literally the job of Congress to do this not the office of the Presidency and… well, anyway as we’ve said, people don’t care to know any of this stuff. But they seem to not hesitate to vote regardless!

        I can barely understand the sheer ego that goes into such a thinking process. Would a doctor operate on a patient, without ever once going to any medical classes first? Would someone get behind the wheel of a car and drive out into busy highway traffic, without having ever once received the slightest information on how to (safely) operate that dangerous motor vehicle? Would you try to rewire the electricity in your house/apartment without knowing the first thing about that, e.g. how to shut it off and test things? So how can we chart the course of an entire nation by voting, when we don’t have the first clue about what is even going on - e.g. many people when pressed cannot even name the most foundational facts about it such as the very names of the 3 branches, or what roles and responsibilities those 3 branches are supposed to enact. But they vote b/c they are told to (by the man/woman on TV, and often by the preacher behind a pulpit), b/c they can, and b/c it makes them feel good like they “participated”. Just like the aforementioned person wearing a bathrobe enacting surgery (they can pretend it is a surgical smock, even if they cannot spell either of those two words), or a first-time driver going immediately out into the highway, or an electrician having fun with their little personal hobby - what could be the harm? Surely this will end well…

        Okay, so I can do nothing about any of that. But I did offer that comment, fwiw. How it is received is up to each person individually.