Narrated by the plain and simple tailor himself.

  • @astroturds
    101 year ago

    This might be my first ever audiobook. I’ve wanted to read it for ages but never got around to it. Garak is one of my favourite characters so it will be great to hear his voice again.

    • lxskllr
      41 year ago

      @astroturds @Equals

      That’s a for sure buy. My first audiobook was this past winter with Janeway’s autobiography, cause I wanted to hear Mulgrew narrate it.

      • lxskllr
        11 year ago

        @astroturds @Equals

        On the subject of audiobooks… Do any of these places sell drm free files? I got the Janeway autobiography on Audible, and had to download their app to listen to it. It took awhile for me settle down and find the tools to crack it, so I’d always have a copy without requiring a spyware app to listen to it. Any good sellers out there?

  • @Newby
    61 year ago

    Absolutely the best Star Trek book. I wish he had written more but understand it was a bookend for his character.

    • Robert
      31 year ago

      I am just curious if this works to reply here.

        • Robert
          31 year ago

          Thanks. I am trying to figure out accessing this through my mastodon account. Not exactly seamless.

          • Value SubtractedMA
            21 year ago

            I personally prefer to have one Mastodon account, and a separate Lemmy account.

  • klieg2323
    31 year ago

    What I want to know is, out of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren’t?

  • @StillPaisleyCat
    11 year ago

    This one should be a favourite (as the book itself is already).

  • @hivemind
    110 months ago

    So I’m about halfway through the audiobook and it’s already my favorite audiobook ever.

    Because it’s not Andrew Robinson reading a book. The book is written in 1st person as Garak telling the story to the reader/listener, and Andy is Garak, and any imperfections in the narration (e.g. character voices) don’t come across as Andy mis-voicing Quark, but rather Garak’s impression of him because he really gets into the groove.