Observe Israel definitely not being an Apartheid state.

  • natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com
    5 months ago

    but Trump will stop the investigations we have into Israeli command and groups within the military that we have been sanctioning.

    What investigation? We don’t need an investigation, the Israeli command told us exactly what they were going to do before they did it. They said they were going to starve Gazans, they said Gazans were collectively guilty, they said they were going to target hospitals and schools, they said they were lifting restraints on IDF soldiers. The soldiers are literally posting their war crimes to social media. This is some clown cope shit. Don’t talk about this kind of nonsense to me again. An investigation, jesus christ.

    What else? We might not have a leader who bothers to wring their hands over the genocide they’re funding? Or let me guess, Trump will send them 2,000 lb bombs instead of 1,900 lb ones.

    Just because some people voted uncommitted doesn’t suddenly mean jack shit. You’re letting your feelings dictate reality.

    Also you two seconds later:

    If those people vote uncommitted in the 24 election (and I’m betting 70% will vote Biden anyways) he is still up 54,000 votes.

    Your complete guess that 70% will flinch is not worth anything. And 50k is not a margin of victory that indicates popularity of genocide and it certainly doesn’t guarantee his win, particularly as primaries played similarly across multiple states. Even NYC, where they don’t let you vote uncommitted, 15% of people went out to explicitly leave the ballot blank. 12% statewide. And those are the people who could be arsed to come out, how many people do you “bet” aren’t going to bother at all in November?

    Considering your desperation here to try and explain how popular support for genocide is, I somehow doubt you’re as cocksure about how well it will serve as a motivating factor for Biden support as your words try to make out.

    in a few elections, being back on the hardcore progressive train

    This bullshit doesn’t convince anymore. No one believes this when it’s been 40 years of “just a few more elections and we’ll stop moving to the right, pinky promise lol”. No. This is the end of neoliberalism and of Israel controlling the narrative, one way or another. People see through it.

    Biden may indeed try to crash our democracy fullspeed into the wall, but the people persist regardless and they’re stronger than a bunch of empty corporate suits wringing their hands over where they’re going to get their lobby money if things get disrupted. So yeah, I hope you’re ready too, because you certainly don’t sound ready even for what’s already happening right at this very moment.