I had a British friend (of all people) that was really into MSNBC in 2015 and even then it was toxic af. I still can’t imagine anyone outside of DC libs watching it.
They turned off comments. There’s so few likes and retweets.
I know that it’s not near the same thing as this video, but I had a flatmate assigned to me my first year in uni. The guy was an only child from rich, negligent parents, had a sports car and massive speakers in the room. At 18, he had a dream of becoming a drug lord, and have people over at all hours to sell bits of weed. He absolutely stepped over all my boundaries constantly, and 18 year old me had no resources to stand up for myself. The funniest, most annoying shit was when he took some drug concoction (maybe G or K??), and pissed all over the floor.
For sure he’s a rich failson now, with a brain fucked up from drugs and covid. A few years ago, a name search would bring up his shitty goa trance music, but not anymore. I hope he’s dead.
The humour of WKUK was pretty advanced for the naughts. Most comedy stuff from 20 years ago doesn’t do anything now, but those guys still hit.
I showed a friend the Abraham Lincoln skit and he felt nothing, so maybe it’s just me.
NGL it sounds terrible. My childhood was way before GOT and the mass homelessness we see today and I never had to hear a family member discuss those topics.
“bums didn’t deserve to breed”
I’d struggle not to throw a punch.
Anyhow, I eat work lunches outside with a book. Even tho my work colleagues are mostly libs, it still saves my sanity.
It was the early 80s, before gyms and roids became normalised, so that’s a positive I guess
Streetlights, people woho-oh-aaaaaaaa!
I’m legit jealous you can shit on Jeff Bezos together. But ya, I feel your frustration at not having an ounce of compassion for Palestine.
To add to this, Meetup.com can be helpful for finding events near you, at least if you’re near a city. I know the struggle to have a wide social friend network can feel very hard in the beginning, but it’s nice to have other people to rely on.
I don’t suggest joining a local or or vegan scene just for the social connections, but it can help branch out to like minded people.
Same vibe
When I was young and the only way to get music was CDs, I tried to like Pearl Jam as my experience was limited. At the time they were fine, but hell I’d never put them on now.
From my limited knowledge of this situation, I still can’t tell who the bad guy is.
We def shouldn’t advocate for violence. But if someone did an adventurism on him, that person would be a hero to most of the world. Not that anyone should do that, tho.
Sometimes I’ll still log into Facebook. I have the Purity add-on, which deletes all the unwanted bullshit, and I still feel myself get yet more liberal with all the genetic “we just need to vote harder” posts I’m seeing. Also there’s no content warning for dead animal pics (non vegans here: we really appreciate it).
Lots of terrible mod decisions done by liberals and fascists have driven me off of social media. The time I got a ban for arguing with a guy who was posting anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim stuff on was the last straw for me there.
Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie something something
Do people find this concert level entertaining? I feel like people are paying a mint to go to a “show” and listen to mostly white boomer men speak.
I had a bad falling out with a flatmate years ago and I basically had to say “fuck it” to maybe hundreds of books collected over a decade. It was my liberal phase, so I don’t know how much of it I’d like to have now. The break made me the communist I am today, so I can’t say I’m that sad.
I feel like we all have the dream of having a massive library room of our own, but who the fuck can afford that nowadays.
I think that PETA makes a strong case that the homeless pet problem comes from pet breeding, that is the pet breeding industry, hobby, and just people who haven’t spayed their pet. In my opinion, it should be illegal to sell puppies for a profit, especially when there’s an abundance of homeless animals around.
I’m a bit torn at what to do about the reports of covid minimisation. On one hand, we don’t want to pretend that COVID is harmless. On the other hand, poor OP is super stressed at the moment.
If another mod wants to step in and remove the comments, I support it. At the moment, to me I don’t feel it’s a black and white issue. Also it’s late and my brain isn’t at its best.
Libs can make the loss of a tiniest of privileges feel like the most massive offense ever.