The whole picture screams “autumn” to me. Especially the big orange eyes.
Boo. The babylon bee is MAGA pandering trying to pass as humor.
Same. I see a lot of far-right branded pickups and this doesn’t look like one to me. Am I missing something?
Edit: I see the Proud Boys logo is a laurel wreath with “PB” in the center. Though the laurel wreath by itself is ambiguous. That symbol is used in lots of non-sinister contexts.
Minot. Curtis LeMay would have had wet dreams over it.
In theory a pension is stable, guaranteed income. The employer promises a monthly or annual payment for life, and they manage a pool of money to make sure you get that payment regardless of whether the market goes up or down. People like stability.
With a 401k you take on the market risk yourself. If the market tanks (2000 and 2008 come to mind) then your retirement funds are suddenly worth less and your payments to yourself (distributions) go down. Of course, if the market is hot you can also direct your investments to try and ride the wave. Greater risk means greater (potential) reward.
401k’s also have required minimum distributions that kick in as you get older. If you live long enough you will reach a point where you have been forced to drain the whole thing into your regular bank account. Then it’s time for another plan.
After digging into it, we banned the two accounts mentioned in this post. A quick search of the database did not reveal any similar accounts, though that doesn’t mean they aren’t there.
This sounds a bit like a normal non-profit organization, but the board of directors is composed of all donors (the “consumers”).
What’s the incentive for someone to want to be a “worker” in this scenario? I assume they are still paying dues? Are they getting some compensation for doing additional work, or is it an unpaid positions?
Mastodon will still be the biggest fediverse service. It will remain a niche player in the microblog world, as Bluesky gradually becomes the big player by stealing users from the platform formerly known as Twitter.
The rest of the federverse will (hopefully) coalesce around fewer projects. Development is massively fragmented right now. I’m very curious to see which projects flourish, and which projects die.
I do not expect the federverse to unseat large corporate social media and become home to the masses. And I’m okay with that.
Your last paragraph is a good one. I fell in love with Sweden when I was there. Then I talked to some teenagers and they said they really wanted to live in America. It caught me off guard. I didn’t understand why they would want to leave a place that seemed so safe, secure, and comfortable. They said they wanted more flexibility and opportunity. Sure, they could get a stable living-wage job and keep it for their whole career, but in America they thought they would have more chances to try new things and reinvent themselves.
Whether our perceptions of each other’s countries are correct or not, for all of us the grass certainly looked greener on the other side of the fence.
That mug is 🤌
I wondered if the Turbo button on the computer really did anything.
Dad told me about a cable news talking head who was appalled by the YouTube video that discussed the tweet which translated the Telegram post about the interview. And, I gotta tell you, from what I understand it sounds serious.
At one time they had open registrations, so spammers were taking advantage and setting up shop there. It looks like the instance now has a sign-up application. I have unblocked them. Thanks for noticing!
This is a good opportunity to remind users about our Fediseer profile:
We try to keep our Censures list on Fediseer up to date with the instance blocklist. That way we can leave notes in Fediseer explaining why each instance is blocked.
Fantastic resource!
That’s what happens after the apartment clearing is done.
You could. Personally, I would wrap the Velox strip all the way around the rim and stick it to itself with a piece of adhesive tape. Once a tube is installed and inflated the Velox won’t go anywhere. And it will be easy to replace in the future without leaving a mess behind.
Hilary got more than enough votes. She received 2.9M more votes than Trump. Her problem was that her support was much too concentrated in a small number of states. The Electoral College math punishes candidates in that situation.