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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 16th, 2023


  • Nothing really, it’s a lose-lose.

    In terms of geopolitical strategy, Turkey could serve the same kind of function as Israel in terms of aiding the US in projecting regional influence.

    And then morally, obviously, there is no case to be made for supporting Israel.

    I guess the only real consideration is that Israel has nukes, but then so does North Korea, China, Russia etc.

    This is purely ideological for Biden. If it was strategic his staffers likely wouldn’t be resigning, but they recognize that this is a product of fantacism.

  • He’s not wrong. He’s probably saying it for the wrong reasons, but the statement itself is not untrue.

    Democrats can’t actually solve any of the issues they campaign on since the more things they actually solve, the fewer issues they have to make their right-wing, milque toast corporate candidates appear distinct from the GOP.

    Doing things like legislating abortion, reforming healthcare, protecting minority rights, fixing our broken immigration system etc. would mean they then have to start looking into the real fundemental issues like campaign finance reform and repealing Citizens United and stuff.

  • I would honestly get yourself checked out by a psychologist. Normal people are not this incapable of understanding why someone might have trouble voting for a genocidal fascist.

    Like, yes, you disagree, but I’m talking about how easily you’re able to support genocide without blinking an eye and then getting angry at other people who won’t actively support genocide.

    The level of selfish disregard for even attempting to understand is really disturbing. Like, you understand that there are people right now that have relatives in Gaza being killed with the bombs that Biden gave Israel, right? You understand that Biden spit in those people’s faces when they asked him to not support genocide? Intellectually you can at least wrap your head around that, right?