• @NoiseColor
        -57 days ago

        I asked a sincere question, one you are not willing answer it seems.

          • @NoiseColor
            -37 days ago

            You are not willing to make your stance on stalin and putin clear. You didn’t want to say how old you are. You didnt even say you don’t want to say. All you do is try these weird childish insults. It’s boring and I have no time for that. Bye.

            • @Fidel_Cashflow@lemmy.ml
              6 days ago

              I’ll take the bait. Stalin was a great leader. His firm grasp of Marxist economic theory and dialectical materialism helped him turn a backwards agrarian post-tsar Russia into a space-faring economic powerhouse in only a few decades, which is not an easy feat even if you aren’t fighting for survival in a world war where fascists are kicking down your door and trying to eradicate you.

              Putin is a piece of shit vulture squatting on the corpse of a once great nation, and I hope he fucking dies. Though I will say, his recent visits to the DPRK and Viet Nam were great and I hope he follows through on his promises of cooperation, it would be an immense economic boon to the Korean people. Hopefully someday we see a reunified, prosperous Korean peninsula. Very much a “broken clock” situation, imo.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              27 days ago

              My stance is very clear to anybody with basic reading comprehension and critical thinking capacity. Clearly that does not include you.