The pivot-to-video strategy, which has been attempted and failed at by countless content companies, has its own Wikipedia page.

  • Puppy
    611 months ago

    Glad to see I’m not alone. I don’t understand the hype behind tiktok… it’s the exact same thing as Vines and I wasn’t exactly excited about Vines eithers

    • RoboRay
      11 months ago

      It’s endless content for people with short attention spans that don’t care about the quality or even really the topic of the content they are consuming… they just want mindless entertainment to occupy their time without needing to make any decisions or take any actions. Or even to stay focused on any one thing for more than a few seconds.

      So, of course it’s extremely popular.

      • ThunderingJerboa
        11 months ago

        I mean I am not a huge fan of it being Chinese spyware practically (this is not disagree with the point that* Youtube is basically American spyware) but wasn’t a big problem with mid 2010s youtube being videos getting padded to reach the sacred time of 10 minutes for ad sense to really kick in. I find most of youtube shorts/tiktok is worthless garbage but I can see the appeal for short and snappy videos to get their point across rather than it being padded with the common trappings of other vod content. Now I don’t mean to throw shade at people who do the whole padding/sponsors/call to actions since at the end of the day some of these people want to try to make a living out of this stuff and if people actually want this content made there needs to be support for it (it is actually a huge problem in the print industry as well since many people don’t want to pay for articles).

    • joeygibson
      111 months ago

      I don’t get tiktok either, but I have a friend who seems to spend hours on it every day.