The pivot-to-video strategy, which has been attempted and failed at by countless content companies, has its own Wikipedia page.

  • FaceDeer
    111 months ago

    “Ousted” is an odd word to use for “sold his share”, but I guess if that’s the word you want to use then he was “ousted”. At massive profit for himself.

    Though you omitted all the companies that he failed at.

    You haven’t mentioned any companies that I didn’t already mention.

    • takeda
      1111 months ago

      Ousted means, the board of directors removed him from CEO position against his wishes (in case of Zip2), and in case of they did it while he was on honeymoon. Both of this things happened BEFORE the companies became successful.

      You haven’t mentioned any companies that I didn’t already mention.

      SolarCity, The Boring Company, (basically his that he is trying to revive with Twitter died when they merged with Confinity and created PayPal, and likely it’s why he was ousted), I guess technically Neuralink has still chance to succeed.