Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to freeze for about 30 seconds on Wednesday while speaking with reporters after a speech in Covington, Kentucky.

The incident is similar to an episode McConnell experienced at the US Capitol late last month and is likely to raise additional questions about the fitness of the 81-year-old to lead the Senate Republican caucus.

Wednesday’s episode occurred when a reporter asked the Republican leader if he was planning to run for reelection in 2026. McConnell had to ask him to repeat the question several times, chuckled for a moment, and then paused.

Someone at his side then asked him, “Did you hear the question, senator, running for reelection in 2026?” McConnell did not respond.

Article includes video of the incident.

    10 months ago

    Sounds kind of like when my maternal grandma had a series of micro strokes for a few months before having the Big One.

    Time to retire, Mitch. For both our sakes.

        10 months ago

        I’m surprised Dianne Feinstein isn’t running again. I thought she would have been stubborn enough to try to stay in office well into her 90s until she achieves lichdom just to troll us.

          1310 months ago

          She is currently 90, and her term isn’t up until 2024. Apparently she isn’t running again, but she might think she is…

          110 months ago

          I feel at this point it’s gotta be ego.

          Like…you have so much power that you don’t even sweat elections.

          Maybe it’d be a better course to work with your party, find a worthy successor that you agree on and start preparing the way for them.

          Public functions, etc. get them in the spotlight. Then when the time comes, go out on the campaign trail with them, endorse them, tell your loyal base that the new person will now carry the torch.

          If you pick the right person, in a state that’s so consistently supported you, it shouldn’t be too too difficult.

          Not doing it this way is the elected position equivalent of RGB refusing to retire in the Obama administration and fucking the very SCOTUS (and American people) she claimed to be wanting to serve. Now she’s going to forever have the tainted legacy of having great views, but being too proud to do the sensible thing, and choosing her own ego over her ideals.

      • MelodiousFunk
        1510 months ago

        “Okay, fine. On three… One… Two… … … … …”

        four hours later, we are still not sure if they’re waiting for the other to blink, have bluescreened, or both

      4510 months ago

      All these old fossils need to GTFO. Him, Feinstein, all of em.

      But McConnell in particular has royally fucked this country. No member of Congress should have that much power. But he used it quite effectively for his own ends. So fuck him

    • flipht
      3110 months ago

      Its either happening frequently and just happens to have been caught on camera twice, or it could instead be related to hearing well enough to understand.

      My grandparents were like this. Even if they could hear you, a lot of times it seemed out of context to them because they missed some other important piece.

        4910 months ago

        The people handling him knew exactly what was going on there. This happens all the time, I’m guessing.

        Source: youngest grandchild of a huge family.

      • Jordan Lund
        3810 months ago

        You’d think if it were a hearing issue he would just say “Could you repeat the question?” and not stand there like a deer in headlights.


        10 months ago

        Schrödinger’s McConnell: competent enough to lead the Republicans in Senate, not competent enough to answer questions about Trump under oath.

        1310 months ago

        Yeah, that’s not a hearing issue. I’ve seen people with hearing issues who zone out because they can’t hear / follow the conversation. But, they’re not at a podium at the time. When that happens they know they can just back out of the conversation and hang out until the conversation is over, or the meal is over, or whatever.

        When you’re at the podium you know you’re the focus of attention and need to respond. You can’t just stand there with a blank look. That looked more like a stroke or a seizure than a lack of hearing.

        810 months ago

        Yeah idk if auditory processing goes with age but you can also have delays from that.

        That said if this were that you’d think he’d get hearing aids after the last one

        610 months ago

        Senators are among the most powerful politicians in the US, as well as on the planet, and they know it. They don’t stand there befuddled because they’re socially awkward. If they’re befuddled, it’s because they’re befuddled.

        We are seeing the human version of the Mac’s spinning beach ball. I have a cat with the same problem. I would not nominate her for a seat in the Senate.

    • MrsDoyle
      910 months ago

      My sister’s absence seizures turned out to be stage four brain cancer. I know he’s an arsehole, but doesn’t he have anyone looking out for him? At all? He needs help.

        10 months ago

        Did you see the look on that lady’s face? She wasn’t even worried, she was annoyed. That’s the world Republicans want to create for everyone. A Russia-like society where no one gives a fuck about anyone outside their immediate family, because it makes people much easier to control.

        • MrsDoyle
          210 months ago

          Ugh yes. It was like her gadget had malfunctioned, AGAIN.

    • BoofStroke
      410 months ago

      I’m good with him staying on in a state where he can’t fuck us over more. My worry is who then pulls the puppet strings.