• @ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world
    4210 months ago

    And yet the people who’s cars are loud by design are largely ignored because fuck the poor.

    “Hey I see your muffler is broken”

    “Yeah I don’t have the money to fix it”

    “Well now you’ll have even less money, here’s your $150 ticket”

      • Good Girl [she/they]
        510 months ago

        Yes yes, we’re all aware that something that inconveniences you is worse than someone living at an income low enough to not allow them to fix a non essential part of their only source of transportation.

      • Wrench Wizard
        1510 months ago

        Ah, yes, in my rural area that would mean walking or biking 200+ miles per day just for work and even if I was capable of that it doesn’t solve the problem of not being able to bring my tools so I can work which weigh hundreds if not a thousand pounds.

        And there aren’t buses around here, not that it would solve the problem of getting my tools around. I’m all for saving the environment and establishing smaller, walkable cities but it doesn’t negate the need for automobiles - yet.