“US demands condemnation of Hamas at UN meeting, but Security Council takes no immediate action”

“The U.N. Security Council held an emergency meeting behind closed doors Sunday, with the United States demanding all 15 members strongly condemn “these heinous terrorist attacks committed by Hamas,” but they took no immediate action. U.S. deputy ambassador Robert Wood said afterward that “a good number of countries” did condemn the Hamas attack but not all council members. He told reporters they could probably figure out one of them.”

"Russia’s U.N. ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, told The Associated Press the Americans tried to say during the meeting that Russia isn’t condemning the attacks, but “that’s untrue.” “It was in my comments,” he said. “We condemn all the attacks on civilians.”

"Chinese Ambassador Zhang Jun voiced a similar position earlier, as he headed into the meeting. He said Beijing condemns all attacks on civilians, though he did not mention Hamas.“…

  • ApostleO
    1 year ago

    As far as I’m aware, Russian political statements are weaponized hypocrisy designed to mentally whiplash the listener until they can no longer reason logically. To listen to their own statements would be the equivalent of looking down your own gun barrel.