I don’t know if it’s just me, but I’ve been experiencing quite a bit of sluggishness and errors (failure to post, failure to mark as read, failure to fetch comments, etc), my feed seems to get stuck for long periods of time without updating, and any time I try to open my profile view, it can take a full minute (it might be partially due to how many posts/comments I have). Sometimes it’s taking 5-10 attempts to successfully upload an image to post. Is there anything going on?

If it makes a difference, I’ve been on mobile and using Voyager.

  • @StillPaisleyCat
    28 months ago

    Voyager is still not working this morning. Can upvote only very intermittently. I haven’t attempted to post or comment.

    Logged in through a browser, I am not having upvote issues, but failed to post a comment on the first attempt.

    All to say that Voyager is part of the problem, but not all.

    • SysAdminA
      28 months ago

      Voyager and Photon should be able to connect again.

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      18 months ago

      The problem came back for me earlier today too. I tried switching to Boost and had similar issues.