I was under the assumption that I can use one fediverse account across all ther fediverse apps, but this doesn’t seem to be the case.

I.e. I downloaded the mastodon android app and tried to select kbin.social as the server, but it gives an error.

Same for jerboa, it won’t let me connect to kbin.social, saying invalid credentials.

Is this something on the roadmap or am I simply wrong with my assumption?

      • Unaware7013
        91 year ago

        Do you actually sign into Outlook.com with your gmail account, or are you just reusing credentials to sign into a separate account on Outlook.com? I’m not sure that the two systems federate, but I’ve got an Outlook.com account that uses my gmail email address as the username, but the account is completely separate.

        • HeinousTugboat
          51 year ago

          Nah, like the other guy said, it’s just OAuth. It’s silly that they even let you do it, but hey, it is what it is.

      • ChemicalRascal
        31 year ago

        That’s using your Google account, with Google’s OAuth, to get into an Outlook account — which is still weird and confusing, and IMO something Microsoft shouldn’t have done because it’ll confuse people, but hey.

      • j4yc33
        11 year ago

        “cn, email, uid” was such a choice of Web 2.0 that confused the hell out of so many people.

    • YMS
      21 year ago

      I was thinking whether I should add a remark that you can add your Gmail account to outlook.com as well, but I didn’t want to over-complicate it. In the end, both Outlook (the program) and outlook.com are mail clients of a sort, the latter being a webmail client.