President Biden’s reelection campaign raised more than $1 million through online fundraising alone in the 24 hours after the president’s Jan. 6 anniversary speech, according to numbers exclusively provided to The Hill.

Biden on Friday gave a full throated attack against former President Trump, his likely GOP opponent, and warned Americans that Trump’s reelection would pose a threat to American democracy. The president zeroed in on Jan. 6 to mark the third anniversary of the U.S. Capitol riots and argued in his remarks that democracy is on the ballot in 2024.

In response to the 24-hour fundraising haul, the Biden campaign noted that they see preserving democracy as a political winner for the president in 2024.

    736 months ago

    Honestly only a million is a weak number. Three or four would have been good, six would make me think democracy might survive. The 2020 election was over $14 billion, and we’ve had strong inflation since then.

    Getting people pumped to support Biden is like getting excited about plain toast. We best start acting like it’s our first food in a month.

      336 months ago

      Is everyone losing their fucking minds? I’ll shove that plain toast up my fucking ass if it means my kids can keep waking up, going to school, and altogether living normal lives. Comfort apparently does breed contempt because nobody is really fighting for this shit. None of us were there before plumbing, before democracy, lets not fucking find out.

        136 months ago

        Yeah. One party wants minorities crushed, women dead in childbirth, and Christianity to be law. The other kinda sucks. None of the above isn’t happening. The Dems won’t learn a lesson from losing but the gop sure will learn from winning

        • HACKthePRISONS
          -86 months ago

          >One party wants minorities crushed, women dead in childbirth, and Christianity to be law. The other

          wants to maintain the threat of the other party getting power in order to solidify their own power. actually doing something about it would weaken their case for election so they never will.

              • twelve20two
                26 months ago

                I like Cornel West, too. Unfortunately, I don’t know if the left being fractured as it usually is will be as little of an issue as it sometimes is. At the very least, Biden has a chance and he and his party (shitty as they are) are not actual fascists.

                • HACKthePRISONS
                  -26 months ago

                  >he and his party (shitty as they are) are not actual fascists.

                  I disagree

                  • twelve20two
                    26 months ago

                    You think Joe Biden and the Democratic Party of the US are fascists?

                6 months ago

                Yeah fuck it. Its our swamp. But dont really do either of those things lol

                I miss when #BernItAllDown was a naive possibility for me.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      196 months ago

      I gave Bernie a ton of money because I knew he was getting mostly grassroots donations.

      Biden has a bunch of millionaires to ask for money who have a lot more disposable income than I do. He can go ask them.

      Meanwhile my $27 a month is going to bail funds.

        36 months ago

        Bernie outspent Biden in many states during the primary and still lost badly.

        The reality is that the broader electorate isn’t as left-wing as Bernie.

          16 months ago

          I think you missed the point he was trying to make. It wasn’t about the merits of a candidate, it was about the type of person they use as funding sources.

        26 months ago

        I donated a bunch last cycle, but the DNC spent a fair portion on promoting ‘spoiler’ candidates in Republican primaries. I don’t want my money spent on further radicalizing the GOP. If Dems are worried about money I have a great suggestion of a line item to cut that will cover far more than any contribution I could make…

        16 months ago

        I can’t blame anyone for not being pumped about Biden. At this point he’s making Reagan look spry and lively.

        That’s a big part of the problem though. The left needs a populist like Bernie or Obama in order to draw in the money and support. An institutional centrist like Biden just has nil for enthusiasm. Which has nothing to do with being able to be president, but at the end of the day, elections are popularity contests. And at this point, Bidens biggest personality draw, is that he’s not Trump. Which is probably almost enough to win the next election by itself. If only by the barest of margins. Not really the kind of margin you want to risk the future of the free world on.

      126 months ago

      It’s pretty telling that a dollar amount is an indicator of chances to win an election. The fact that you’re talking about this like it’s normal says so much about how fucked our political system is.

      (Not at all saying that what you’re saying is wrong at all. Just commenting on how accustomed we’ve become to it that it’s normalized)

        46 months ago

        Oh it’s completely fucked up, and I fully realize that. Worse yet, the million dollars that were reported is merely a polling sample of the actual cash flows to superPACs and other organizations both domestic and foreign.

      56 months ago

      I’ll support Biden. Not super excited, but I’ll still support him given the alternative.