• @VindictiveJudge
    35 months ago

    There’s so much internal monologue in Dune, how else are you going to represent it? The Scifi Channel and Villeneuve both seem to just kind of like, leave it out.

    The miniseries doesn’t leave it out so much as work it into conversations that sound like they could have been part of the book, or have the characters wear their hearts on their sleeves more, which is why miniseries Paul seems like he’s always on the verge of a meltdown.

    • @millie
      25 months ago

      Sure, but it’s not really the same when it’s stated out loud. It becomes less about characters plotting against one another and more about characters just like, talking really openly about their motivations.

      It kind of suffers from that weirdness you see a lot in anime where a character who’s completely alone will go into extreme detail about their plans or motivations. Basically an internal monologue, but delivered out loud into a space that’s mid-way through the fourth wall.