• @1simpletailer
    25 months ago

    Even if they just gave us some new map tiles, a flip-able Romulan/Klingon Warbird set, it would go a long way. Make it so you can have two separate ships that your characters can transport between. Having to buy two identical core sets for 3-4 player games is unacceptable. Since we didn’t get one for TOS, a DS9 Core Set with Sisko vs Dukat or Weyoun that introduces the Cardassions/Dominion as a playable faction would be great!

    • @USSBurritoTruckOPM
      25 months ago

      100%. I find the sameness of the Borg board a bit difficult to look at, so I’d really like some other set, and I agree incorporating a way to transport between two ships would be optimal.