A shorter version of my latest column

-Hayes Brown, Bluesky

Transcription / Alt Text:
Panel one: [off-screen] Fox News: Taylor Swift’s plane is emitting soo much carbon Angry Goose: Why are carbon emissions bad? Panel 2: [Man labeled Fox News being chased] Goose: Explain why carbon emissions are bad, coward!!!

  • FiskFisk33
    5 months ago

    “the science” never said that.


    and there’s no thing like “the science”. There are many, many scientists and findings in a given area. You should never do what Gore did and look at one single finding and see it as the absolute truth. You need to look at the big picture, at meta analyses over hundreds of findings to get to get close to some kind of “core truth”.

    You aren’t disproving science as a whole by showing a scientist was wrong once.