is a partnership between /r/StarTrek and /r/DaystromInstitute from Reddit, they’ve both locked their subs over there for good. Follow @startrek for all your Trek needs. 🖖 :trek:


  • @PrimeZ
    31 year ago

    Which mod were you on the /r/startrek sub?

    Are the rules from there basically carried over here? Or will we start seeing racist/homophobic/other shitty behavior-style trek posts being allowed?

    Just want to know if signing up is worth it or if I should move on.

    Thank you.

    • Corgana
      41 year ago

      I’m the original founder of /r/StarTrek and while I’m not a mod there anymore, I can vouch that the teams there and here are the same.

      • @PrimeZ
        21 year ago

        OK cool, thank you. I guess I will see how things pan out. Appreciate you guys taking the time to keep the community going.