
    1861 year ago

    I’m so sick and tired of every single website and service trying to push an app on me. No, I don’t want to download your stupid shitty app, I’ve got dozens and I don’t want another one that I don’t use that interrupts me to push stupid notifications. Now get off my lawn!

      321 year ago

      Hell yeah. I was furious when I learned that you “nEed To InsTalL tHe McDoNaLds ApP FoR tHe CoDe!” for their monopoly-game. Wtf?! Just give me my fucking mcsundae-coupon right now, goddamn.

      191 year ago

      Same. I have to use for a contract, I swear they made their website as mobile un-friendly as possible because they push their app so hard. Like, I use you to submit one invoice a month I don’t need an app to do that, fuck off.

        181 year ago

        They can’t track your every interest to sell to other assholes if you don’t use their software though.

        Now, don’t you feel sorry for the poor companies who can’t make money off of you when you’re on sites completely unrelated to theirs?

        It just breaks my heart.

          01 year ago

          The issue of companies wanting to force apps while you don’t want another app. Instant apps are a halfway point between a webpage and having to download an app, the app’s never actually installed on your phone. It’s not much different than a site with heavy CSS.