So I made a post earlier asking what small community people wished was on Lemmy and the top upvoted suggestion was:

One that shows big machinery. Like cranes, trains, excavators and stuff like that

So a made a sub with that topic and put some relevent pictures. I figure an XKCD style title would keep things light. Feel free to make this your own if this was your interest as I was just trying to plant the seed for some ideas.

Cranes, trains, planes and excavators and stuff like that


    • @OpenStars
      44 months ago

      Just being silly:-)

      “ton” => pics of heavy machinery

      “Taylor Swift” => the recent craze here on Lemmy, this one not involving beans, showing pics of quote-her-unquote as depicted by a plane (just picking one quick search result:

      If you do not know, perhaps ignorance is bliss:-P

        • @OpenStars
          24 months ago

          It’s a political thing, I guess?

          That billionaire took a private jet on a 13-minute trip, causing even conservatives to point out how wasteful that was for the environment - but not bc they care about the environment ofc, and rather that conspiracy theory about her boyfriend in the Kansas City Chiefs Superbowl game.

          So there were a bunch of pics of planes on Lemmy, although I guess it’s all old now, being a whole week in the past. But it was really popular there for awhile… among those of us who enjoy shit posts (and/or couldn’t get outside this past week bc of the weather:-|).

        • @OpenStars
          24 months ago

          It is indeed a LOT, and I respect that. :-D