• Maeve
    24 months ago

    Hi, just checked your profile and first blog entry. How enchanting! ;-) what does joining do? Allow us a blog space?

    • Dharma Curious
      24 months ago

      Aww. You may be the first person to actually read my blog. Lol. What is your question about joining?

      • Maeve
        24 months ago

        There’s a sign up link. Just wondered what signing up does. I’ve bookmarked your blog and shared it with someone who also read at least the first entry. You’re really good. I’d encourage you to consider self-publishing a book or ebook, at some juncture

        • Dharma Curious
          24 months ago

          Oh! I thought you meant my comment to the other poster, saying join us, as in the anarchists.

          Joining up, I think, just emails you if I ever manage to post anything. When you say you read the first entry, do you mean the runes of flight snippet, or some of the philosophy stuff? Runes of flight is a completed short story I wrote for school, based on a random reddit comment I made once. Haha. I’ve been meaning to get back to it for a while, and posted it on there to sort of grease the wheels a bit for writing more. Regardless, I’m glad you like what you read. :)

          • Maeve
            24 months ago

            I’ve not gotten to the Philo yet; I’m intrigued! Completely enjoyed the first bit of the Runes of Flight … But he’s so cute, I need to plant a tree! I have to read the rest and get to the philosophy. I’m thrilled!

            • Dharma Curious
              24 months ago

              Ah, okay. Yeah, Runes is my baby. Agnes has been knocking around in my head for years at this point, and I hope to do her justice one day and write an actual, real novel.

              Fair warning on the philosophy stuff, I’m batterscained, and it’s a bit rambly. If you like nondualism, Hinduism, Vivekananda, etc, it might be interesting. I need to post more. :/

              • Maeve
                24 months ago

                Long live Agnes!

                Yes, I’m a bit scattered, myself. I am not familiar with Vivekananda, but look forward to your introduction at your blog. I’m a bit familiar with Kalima, Shiva and a few others. It’s been a long time but I was a bit familiar with Zen, Dzogchen, philosophical taoism , Tiibetan Buddhism… It would take a lifetime of immersion to become intimately familiar, I feel, but I think I get the general gist. I look forward to learning with you! Thanks so much for engaging conversation.

                • Dharma Curious
                  24 months ago


                  And I’m sure there are much better introductions, but Vivekananda is a downright gas to learn about. Either the first or second (I forget) blog post was an introduction to the Swamiji and his address at the world’s parliament of religion. I hope you enjoy. :)