Hi all, maybe this community can help recommend some new shows. I’m looking for Star Trek-like ‘world-of-the-week’ stuff.

I’ve already seen the following:

The Orville
The Expanse
Battlestar Galactica
Babylon 5 (I forgot that I never finished it, so it’s going back on the menu)
Stargate SG-1 Quantum Leap (looooove Scott Bakula)
Doctor Who (Not all of it, but pretty caught up since Eccleston)
Foundation (really enjoyed this one, especially the Cleon clones storyline)
Andor (not a big Star Wars guy, but I really liked this series)

Is Andromeda worth watching? What else is out there?
Thanks in advance!

  • ThenThreeMore
    11 year ago

    They’d need to reduce the time jump between books 6 and 7 to make another series work. I think where they ended it was a really good point. That said I would love to have seen like a fucking valkyrie on screen.

    • @maegul@lemmy.ml
      11 year ago

      Haven’t read the books so maybe easy in spoilers.

      I’m aware of the time jump, and agree it ended on a good point. But I’d still be hyped about continuing the story which was clearly hinted at in the ending too.

      • ThenThreeMore
        21 year ago

        Other than the time jump I thought my reference was cryptic enough that to get it you’d either need to have read the books, or already been spoilered. Sorry if it wasn’t.

        But I’d still be hyped about continuing the story which was clearly hinted at in the ending too.

        Yeah. Hopefully there’ll be some kind of follow up, maybe a film or something.

        • @maegul@lemmy.ml
          11 year ago

          No worries! Just a warning that you might not have realised I’ve not read the books.