The adversarial relationship between Washington and Moscow prevented U.S. officials from sharing any information about the plot beyond what was necessary, out of fear Russian authorities might learn their intelligence sources or methods.

      3 months ago

      NATO was formed in 1949, already after 2nd world war. Russia has been hated for way longer, so much so that countries neighboring it saw “allying”* with nazis preferable over having Russia take over them

      *some didn’t have much option, allying or being taken over with much more violence

        13 months ago

        Russia did not take over anyone, though. Infact, USSR broke up into many countries, and today we have Russia, a country that US ex-VP Dick Cheney once said NATO’s goal was to balkanise. Anglos have instilled hatred against communism for a couple centuries now.

          3 months ago

          I’m including USSR in the term Russia because obvious reasons, it was still the same country with different name, and USSR annexed bunch of countries around it.

          Those countries that “broke from USSR” were independent nations before.

          No one has instilled as much hate against communism as the few dictatorships calling themselves communist have. Not even USA, where ‘communist’ has been a slur for the past hundred years

            13 months ago

            No one has instilled as much hate against communism as the few dictatorships calling themselves communist have

            Which dictatorships are these?

              3 months ago

              I should have probably said they claim to be socialist, but USSR and North Korea was first ones in my mind.

              I like your question, it’s only purpose is to try catch me on some small technicality, or get a chance to bombard 17 links to tankie wiki with alternative facts about how Stalin was actually a great democratically selected leader

                3 months ago

                Stalin was far greater than any US President and a lot of presidents/heads in European countries that have had anti-immigrant and/or white coloniser agenda, solely on the basis that Stalin never genocided any aboriginals or natives, or discriminated against people that are not Caucasians.

                It is interesting that you think USSR and DPRK are dictatorships, just because they oppose imperialist white fascism, are socialist states, and face sanctions or atrocities. North Korea today is so poor because USA bombed the fuck out of it in 1980s.

                Bet you think USA and Europe are “civilised” democracy places? I would also correct you on that. Every single western country that today claims to be a democracy, until they looted, pillaged and genocided in non-white countries, were all dictatorships. There was no western democracy, and there is still none. And they are less democratic than whatever China/Russia are, despite centuries of looting and genocide. Try to voice against western heads, war crimes and actual problems and see how fast you get jailed or disappeared or starved to death.

          -13 months ago

          The Red Scare is a more like side goal because communism threatens oligarchies. The Soviet Union also had its hand in persecuting communists.