• Ramin Honary
    3 months ago

    Deep Space Nine made it absolutely clear that Section 31 is an illegal black-ops org with garb somewhat reminiscient of Nazi storm troopers, they were the bad guys.

    Yeoh has described it as “Mission: Impossible in space,” and likened the tone to the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

    Mission: Impossible, the longest-running, pro-CIA anti-socialist propaganda series in US history. OK… so now Star Trek is about making illegal black-ops Nazis look cool?

    Fuck these fucking producers. I want my gay space communism back.

    • Value SubtractedOPMA
      33 months ago

      “Illegal?” DS9’s S31 was protected by Starfleet Command. They were completely untouchable.

      • Ramin Honary
        3 months ago

        “Illegal?” DS9’s S31 was protected by Starfleet Command. They were completely untouchable.

        They can be both protected and illegal. Sisko noted that the organization was completely antithetical to the laws of Starfleet, e.g. committing genocide against the Changlings of the Dominion (they used the actual word “genocide” to describe what Section 31 did in the show). But their existence was neither denied nor acknowledged by Starfleet. This is part of the reason why he asked Bashir to act as a double-agent.

        It was clearly analogous to the CIA, which for decades has been collecting money from the illegal drug trade and supporting terrorist organizations around the world, all in the name of “national security.” It was a critique of the US government, like most of the Star Trek episodes that deal with the moral shades of gray within the laws of Starfleet. It is clear from their political commentary that the shows morality was staunchly anti-fascist.

        And this new film on Section 31 completely reversing their former politics and joining with and celebrating the fascists is more than I can stomach.

        • Value SubtractedOPMA
          23 months ago

          If they’re nominally illegal, and those responsible for upholding the law are working with them, they’re not really illegal at all, are they?

          • Ramin Honary
            3 months ago

            they’re not really illegal at all, are they?

            If a police officer commits murder but the D.A. covers it up and the officer is never charged with a crime, does this make murder by the police legal?

            Yes, it is illegal, and the government does not enforce laws consistently. The point is, this is a moral failing of Starfleet/the US government. This is an injustice.