• My knee still doesn’t feel right after that hiking trip two weeks ago.
  • I started listening to really old music.

Have I crossed the threshold?

  • klemptor
    5 months ago

    A couple of years ago my dad, who has always been heavy into cycling and never had a weight problem, had a quadruple bypass. He was 72 or 73 at the time. He was always so healthy and fit, but the men in his family hoard arterial plaque like crazy. It was really sobering to see him go through that, and especially to see how lost my mom was while he was recovering. And my mom has osteoporosis; she’s getting treatment for it but she’s afraid to do much more than a brisk walk because if she falls, she could easily break her spine or pelvis. And she’s only 67!

    It’s really depressing seeing them get old. I visited them over the weekend and we watched old camcorder tapes*. Seeing them younger than I am now was so weird; I didn’t realize my mental image of them has aged along with them, if that makes sense. But watching those tapes, all I could think was how strong and youthful they both looked!

    *Seeing myself as an awkward teenager with braces and huge glasses was godawful, do not recommend!