Revanced & being a mod doesn’t seem to matter anymore.

I can still view the front page but no comments, profile, individual subreddits, etcetera now.

This is the same for me on both Sync and Boost.

Surely, I can’t be the only one.

Combined with their recent shenanigans with I’m finally feeling more ready to just let it go finally because there is no freaking way I’m going to use new or their crummy ad_riddled app.

  • Corgana
    2226 days ago

    It’s still a good resource for stuff like that but I’m not contributing to it.

      1626 days ago

      I am still hopeful that the Fediverse will take over that role soon. I mostly lurked on Reddit, but I’ve pushed myself to make the kind of posts and comments here that I liked on Reddit.

        826 days ago

        I’m not a poster but I comment here way more than I did on Reddit. Some of that is because it feels a little “safer” to comment here. Hopefully that lasts, though I fear it won’t.