I have a question:

If I make comments that are hostile to the notion that people can be “transgender,” even without targeting a particular person, will I be banned here?

For example, if I say that it is not logically possible to be “trans,” will I be banned?

I’ve been banned like 10 times from Reddit for this, so I’m curious about here.

  • MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz
    1 year ago

    Depends on the instance. Only the instance admin can ban your account entirely, and you can in principle just make one on another one. You can of course also get banned by mods from the communities they manage. So if you walk into most places on here that are on-track with the reality of human rights, and say shit like that, yeah, you’ll get the boot. Being this wrong about something like that makes it pretty warranted in the places on here that will give you the boot. Which is most of them. Go find some corner with people like you, and stay in it, please.

  • phrankygee@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Likewise, if you are a member, sympathiser or a resemblant of a group that is known to largely hate, mock, discriminate against, and/or want to take lives of any other group of people, and you were provably vocal about your hate, then you you will be banned on sight.

    I suspect you will be labeled as “sympathetic to groups known to discriminate against a group of people”, so yes, you will likely be banned from this particular community.

  • rob64
    1 year ago

    I imagine you’re using language like “logically possible” to cloak your statements in an appearance of calm, reasoned discourse, but it doesn’t really mean what you intend it to mean. If the definition of a trans person is someone who feels that their biological configuration is not in alignment with whom they feel themselves to be and someone expresses feeling this way, there is no logical issue here. This person could be lying to themselves or you, but it should be obvious that even if this is the case for some number of people, the possibility that millions of people who report feeling this way are all wrong is vanishingly small. There is no logical problem with the statement, “I feel a certain way.” A statement that is not logically “possible” is something like “It is raining; therefore if I go outside I will not get wet.” You’re free to believe that everyone who claims to be trans is lying or deluded or whatever, but you might as well start doubting when people say they feel tired or sick or happy. We can only take people’s word for how they feel. And if you look into what a lot of trans people go through, and you suspend your personal feelings, you might find you have some sympathy for them.

    • haughty_thoughts@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      So, if I understand correctly, the only acceptable viewpoint on discussion about “trans” issues, is to affirm that it is possible to be “trans.” And if I don’t agree, then I will be banned for hate speech?

      Is that the long and short of it?