Alt text: Image of an abnormally tall phone screen with an enormous received text message. Caption reads: POV: My friend after finally asking me “where to start” watching Star Trek.

      • partial_accumen
        1611 days ago

        My opinion is that a person with zero Star Trek knowledge in 2024 would be the most comfortable with Strange New Worlds. Its very approachable and has a young adult character useful for exposition (beyond also being a great character) when needed so new audiences can learn about the world.

      • partial_accumen
        410 days ago

        I love me some TNG, but I’m imaging sitting down today, having never seen Star Trek, and for the first time in 2024 and watching “Encounter at Farpoint”. I don’t think that would go over well.

        9 days ago

        That’s where I started too just a few years ago. I’ve since watched DS9, Voyager, Picard, Strange New Worlds, The Lower Decks and Discovery. I haven’t watched The Animated Series yet and I’ve watched random episodes of The Original Series but it’s not one I’ve had the urge to watch straight through.

        These shows can become addictive. :)

      -310 days ago

      You hate your friends?

      Nah, maybe snw isn’t as bad as the rest of the nu trek drek, everyone keeps saying so, but the same was said ad-nausea about discovery, prodigy, lower decks, Picard, and those god awful pew pew nu movies…

      Maybe snw isn’t so bad but seriously, start at TOS, or remastered TNG if you want something that looks a bit more current. TNG and DS9 are top tier star trek

      • partial_accumen
        410 days ago

        Maybe snw isn’t so bad but seriously, start at TOS, or remastered

        Are you old like me? Are you assuming young eyes see TOS with as much forgiveness for its time as we do? I like TOS, but its absolutely influenced by the day it was made it in both social order as well as production values. Those of the 1960s don’t immediately resonate with younger audiences today.

          • partial_accumen
            28 days ago

            Yeah that doesn’t help your argument . TNG’s “Encounter at Farpoint” came out in 1987, that’s 37 years ago if you’re keeping track. It shows too. I know it doesn’t seem like it to our old eyes, but it just doesn’t measure up today. DS9 came out in 1993 just 6 years later making it 31 years old, so only a minor improvement for those audiences.

            Imagine a younger person (than us) that finished watching “The Expanse” and sat down to watch precocious Wesley Crusher being berated by Piccard for pressing buttons on the command chair arm, and Troy walking in with a short skirted uniform while everyone else wears long pants. Storytelling has evolved. Societal norms have evolved. Production values have evolved. Expecting a show (especially one about the future) to not even reflect representation of today is too big of an ask for a new audience that isn’t specifically seeking out a show that reflects the 1980s or 90s aesthetic and society.

    • Neato
      1011 days ago

      It’s what I watched as a kid on syndication. It’s not “modern” Star Trek. Well it is if you take Lower Decks as Star Trek. But a lot of fans think TNG, DS9 style trek is the only Star Trek. Serious, intellectual examinations of politics, etc.

      But I think that’s bullshit. There’s plenty of that in TOS. It’s just layered along with a lot of silly and fun stuff. It’s also historically significant. For instance it has a diverse main cast which wasn’t common back then and it had the first interracial kiss on television.

      11 days ago

      Personally, I’d say yes if they’ve heard of Captain Kirk and Mister Spock.

      Not all of it, but a couple of select episodes such a Space Seed and Balance of Terror.

      Then a couple of TNG episodes like The Measure of a Man and Q Who

      If they’re into it after that, some TOS films (2,3 and 4 come to mind) and a few more TNG episodes in order.

      The first couple of DS9 episodes to see if they like the space station format, but after season 2 or 3 I think those need to be watched in order really.

      Then Voyager, then Enterprise.

      If they don’t get on with TNG, maybe look at the first few episodes of Discovery. If that’s a bit grim for them, Strange New Worlds should be light enough.

      Prodigy might be a good start if they don’t want to watch 60 years of legacy Trek to catch them up.

      And Lower Decks is nice and light but I think they’d get far more out of it if they have some reference on what’s being riffed on.

          110 days ago

          So? I would also not like the origins of apples or generally almost any vegetable or fruit we have today. They have been refined for 1000s of years to get to where we are today. TOS is just not watchable, not even as a fan, so extremely unlikely for a random person. Maybe it was good at its time, but certainly not compared to what we have had since then.

          • Possibly linux
            -110 days ago

            It really is the only one that is really watchable. It is so much better than anything newer.

  • Toes♀
    311 days ago

    My order was TNG, VOY, TOS, ENT, DS9, all the movies. I wouldn’t recommend it but that’s how I watched it.

    310 days ago

    Wrath of Khan motion picture. Don’t have to benge hours of a series. Extremely entertaining. Makes you want to watch part III into a fun part 4. Then stop and go to any series that seems entertaining.

    010 days ago

    Watch lower decks first. Then start watching from TOS forward. After you get done, rewatch lower decks and discover all the stuff you missed.