Last year it was counterfeit parts in their engines, and a while ago there was a whole scandal where a large percent of commercial planes were operating with fake parts. Obviously the crack down after the first scandal wasn’t strong enough to deter them from doing it again. And again.
So long as they keep getting contracts, getting paid, they’ll keep doing it.
Many people in industry are amoral and will try to get away with whatever they can, for some reason this idea seems to be rampant with Chinese vendors.
Last year it was counterfeit parts in their engines, and a while ago there was a whole scandal where a large percent of commercial planes were operating with fake parts. Obviously the crack down after the first scandal wasn’t strong enough to deter them from doing it again. And again.
So long as they keep getting contracts, getting paid, they’ll keep doing it.
Many people in industry are amoral and will try to get away with whatever they can, for some reason this idea seems to be rampant with Chinese vendors.
Capitalism won, now we all get to lose.