That show was already great and season 2 delivered and then some. Sure at points it feels kinda star wars-y but you can tell the creators really love Star Trek. The fact it was so unceremoniously cancelled then dumped really shows how out of touch studio executives are with the IP’s they own. Especially considering how god awful the final season of Discovery was (l mostly liked that show but Season 5 really leaned into every weak point of the series and jacked it up to 11).

Anyway, I am annoyed we’ll likely never get a 3rd season of Prodigy—and even if we do it likely will lose the lightning they caught with the first two seasons. If y’all have been sleeping on it, please check it out.

  • Corgana
    3 months ago

    I’m in my middle age years so don’t tell me this show is for kids.

    This is what I needed to hear actually, I haven’t checked it out but I’ve also heard nothing but praise so maybe it’s time!

      3 months ago

      The plot is surprisingly complex for what is cast as a “kids show” or “Trek for newbs”. Don’t watch it unless you have seen at least some of the Voyager series. The plot from S1 ties right into S2. I had a moment in S2E6 (or thereabouts) where my emotions got trigger when Janeway makes a tough choice.

      The show works.