Hey guys, I would like to install Debian on my raspberry pi 4 model B 2gb, but I dont have a micro HDMI. I would like to install it headless. I watched a video where the guy created some files in the boot partition on the SD card to enable SSH, and I was wondering if I can do something similar with a Debian SD so I dont need to go out and buy a cable.

I couldn’t find too many tutorials for Debian on the pi, and none to install it headless.

Thanks in advance!

Edit 1: I ended up going with raspbian lite because of some other issues that came up.

  • promitheas@iusearchlinux.fyiOP
    1 year ago

    Im sure theres a way to do it on debian and it might even be the same as on raspbian, but I just dont know what user I would use or exactly how to set everything up. An option is to boot into the SD card from my laptop and set everything up there before plugging it into the Pi.