These are just polls, so vote!

Hopefully these trends will inspire people in states that have been consistently red that a flip this election is possible!

    1 month ago

    I’m sure you can provide a source for that, since you’re not just saying whatever you think justifies moving to the right.

    Can you source that “you think justifies moving to the right.”? Someone here certainly is making things up and it’s you.

    So far has she announced something like medicare for all that the leftists can point to as a policy to logically support? No. So far she’s relying very heavily on energy, vibes, “won’t go back” emotion, freedom, which all appeals to center voters who rely on impressions and emotion. The closest to any specific progressive policy is a general idea to tax billionaires.

    Where did I say that?

    “excited to vote” is an emotional feeeelllliiiinnggg. You didn’t default to say policy to support, you defaulted to the feeling of emotion of excitement and it’s very telling. Enthusiasm is an emotional feeellliinnggg. And you’re basically on it again, apathy is an emotional feeellllliiinnngg.

    If that’s what these supposed logical leftist voters need to feed their feeelllinnngs, then fine. But then it’s not this case of them being so logical, and they are logically not voting, because logically that will do something (in reality nothing), because they are the embodiment of logic.

    I did.

    Yeah, you. Not me. You. You’re making shit up. All the time just so you have something to attack.

      1 month ago

      So far has she announced something like medicare for all that the leftists can point to as a policy to logically support? No. So far she’s relying very heavily on energy, vibes, “won’t go back” emotion, freedom, which all appeals to center voters who rely on impressions and emotion. The closest to any specific progressive policy is a general idea to tax billionaires.

      This ain’t a source.

      Enthusiasm is an emotional feeellliinnggg. And you’re basically on it again, apathy is an emotional feeellllliiinnngg.

      Sure is. Turns out, the left is comprised of humans with feelings. I don’t know why you keep trying to mock something I haven’t said.

      If that’s what these supposed logical leftist voters need to feed their feeelllinnngs, then fine.

      I don’t know where you got this notion that the left considers themselves a bunch of fucking Vulcans. No one likes being shouted at. No one likes having their concerns ignored and belittled. If you want to address voter apathy, you address the concerns of those whose votes you want. Not demand decades of fruitless fealty with some nebulous hint that one day the party might think about considering their concerns. The party gets this about Republicans, but doesn’t get that Republicans already have a party that listens to them and does so with some level of credibility. The left doesn’t have that.

      You’re making shit up. All the time just so you have something to attack.

      Tell me again how I’ve been arguing all this time that leftists are soooooo logical and have no use for feeeeeeeelllllinnngggs.

        1 month ago

        Sure is. Turns out, the left is comprised of humans with feelings. I don’t know why you keep trying to mock something I haven’t said.

        If the supposed logical left voter actually relies on feelings to vote, then they shouldn’t portray that their non-voting or protest voting is logical, or sensible, or rational, or intelligent in any way. Or effective for that matter.

        You really are back to feelings too.

        how I’ve been arguing all this

        Again, I’m talking: “If all these leftists that don’t vote in protest”, and trying to keep it to the broad they. (I do however address you specifically when you keep trying to jab me specifically). I remember you, you’re the person that thinks everything is pointed specifically and directly and individually at you the individual person and user. The lesson you should learn this time is that not everything in life is aimed at you specifically.

        I was talking about broad groups and trying to keep it to “they”, but you seem to take that extremely personally and you respond personally. And then when I discuss it broadly like I was originally, you then demand “tell me how I’ve been …”. Notice that? You take broad things very personally, then demand how you specifically argued that. It’s quite an odd trick to say the least. Especially when you entered my reply to someone else. Again, The lesson you should learn this time is that not everything in life is aimed at you specifically.

        Hopefully that will suffice to end our conversation this time.