If you or one of your loved ones is struggling with this its worth knowing and worth asking your doctor about. Article mainly discusses generic anticonvulsants that have proven beneficial, but there are others such as Naltrexone that can also be helpful.

  • arefx@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    This isn’t directed to OP of the comment I’m replying to, just piggy backing off it with my experience.

    I used to drink a liter of vodka and 12 Steel reserves every day. I’m 7.5 years sober.

    I did medical detox. If you are dependent on alcohol, DO NO QUIT COLD TURKEY.

    It could kill you.

    The truth is after quitting in order to stay sober you really really want to be sober. You need to be 100% committed. It’s not easy. People can offer help but the truth is there is little they can do (but any help is good) but its really almost all on you, and you can do it if you want it bad enough… I know because I made it out and my life is better than ever for it.

    Thanks for coming to my Ted talk? ❤️

    • holiday@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I did not see this reply until now. Just want to say keep it up man! I’m proud of you! Would also echo the medical detox if you’re dependent.