This is my latest attempt at reaching whatever’s at the bottom. I’ve learned from my previous mistakes and I believe I’ve got a better character this time. I even brought two akhs, a blessed one and a regular one (both lost in this same level). I’m still running out of food and health potions very quickly in the last levels. The bosses are really taxing in terms of health potions, and exploring takes a lot of time, which means I’m using many food items. Here are my items and skills:

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    27 days ago

    There’s 15 upgrade scrolls out there, but I only count +11 on your items.
    Assuming none of them were upgraded when you found them, not even counting upgrades from the troll Blacksmith, you’re missing quite a few. Or possibly upgraded lower tier items you got rid of, which to be fair can be fine.
    It’s always a balance, and holding off to upgrade later tier items isn’t always best if it means you burn through all your resources at lower levels.
    Still, if you’d had a +7 full plate and a +9 weapon, you’d probably be in a better place.

    Figure out fishing.
    All levels that have a pool of water and 3 fishes, also have an invisibility potion, which is a valid way to get through to the chest.
    If you kill the fish, you can then use their meat as food (never raw, but cooked, charred, frozen or combined with the other items for a meat pie thingy)… but also use the invisibility potion to get our of a jam, which can save you some healing as well.
    A spear or whip works from safety/distance, wands of blast work great, fadeleaf and stormvine can work in a pinch.

    Mobs :
    Abuse the hell out of doorways, corridors, tufts of grass, etc. You should barely ever trade hits with more than one enemy at a time. Surprise attack as much as possible.


    lvl 5 boss

    Goo should barely scratch your health, find a place near water where you can break line of sight easily enough to get away from its enraged blast. Water to remove the caustic debuff. Don’t worry too much about its regen. You should have at least str 12 and a basic str12 season and leather armor.

    lvl 10 boss

    Tengu has 2 phases, you’ll probably take a bit of damage from its ranged attacks, but you should take virtually no damage from its first phase traps.
    Drop your flammable scrolls before you reach him, that way you don’t burn them if you get caught in fire and they’ll be there and intact when you beat him.
    Heal with a sungrass if needed between phases. Or wait until you’re lower, possibly in the second phase to heal with a potion.
    Beginning the second phase, I like to approach at an angle, so I can get out of the way of the large blast while still making progress towards him. A stone of teleport is quite handy here when you get boxed in between 6 lighting thingies and 3 firewalls or whatever.
    DoT is nice against all bosses, Tengu included. A simple fire potion can whittle its health a bit without you having to walk as much. A fire seed can work too here, even if he’s not walking into it. Just throw the seed on him and throw some non flammable, non-ranged-weapon junk on top, it’ll trigger the seed.

    lvl 15 boss

    big stinky robot. Scout the arena before you trigger its spawn. Throw honeypots you might have at whatever pylons would be more annoying to get to (lots of water or traps).
    Once spawned, avoid the red squares of ceiling falling down on you. After each phase it’ll be invulnerable, sparks go towards the active pylon. If you’re lucky, the active pylon will be one with a bee from the honeypot, and the bee will kill it, allowing you to resume hitting the robot without walking around as much. If you need to get to a pylon, go through the middle area, it’ll follow you more slowly while it tunnels through that.

    lvl 20 boss

    Undead king. Try to break line of sight with the ranged enemies. The throne can work for that as do the statues on the left and right.

    lvl 25 boss

    Make sure you’ve killed all the demon spanners in lvl 21-24 (red things that spawn ripper demons). Avoid the laser beams. Fight the hands outside of the central area. Dragon blood elixir is pretty handy here, works great against the fire fist because it gives you immunity to fire, but also against the grass fist because it burns the grass that gives it armor. Craft 1-2 at an alchemy pot

    lvl 26 boss

    Don’t worry, I’m just fucking around with you.