It’s the kind with the long spindly legs. Last I saw it was sitting on a washcloth on the side of my bathtub, probably trying to catch a peek of my butt.
Edit: photo of the spider
Little guy looks like a Greg to me
Doctor Octavius
What a guy, looks like a Sheila to me.
We also had a bathroom spider for about a month this fall, one of the shorter legged super fast ones. Called him Reiska. I finally got him under a plastic cup about a week ago and was able to relocate him into the backyard before winter so he can eat and hibernate.
J. Jonah Jameson
Daddy Spindly Legs Jackson Jr.
Peter Parker
I named my last khajiit character in skyrim J’eph, so that
Herald Bluetooth, or Herald for short. A suiting name with that spider hugging the shore (tub).
I always just default to comrade spider for any spiders near me