Nicaragua has formally severed diplomatic relations with Israel, accusing it of “genocide” and military aggression in the Palestinian territories.

According to a resolution passed by the National Assembly on Friday, the break in relations is a response to the “brutal genocide that the fascist and war criminal government of Israel continues to commit against the Palestinian people.”

President Daniel Ortega has instructed the Foreign Ministry to “abide” by parliament’s request and cut diplomatic relations with Israel, according to Vice President Rosario Murillo.

“We respect the Israeli people who demand the cessation of this massacre, barbarism, and crimes committed by the nefarious Zionist government and army,” the Nicaraguan parliamentary resolution said, calling the Israeli government “an enemy of humanity, which intends to spread its barbarism throughout the Middle East, endangering world peace and security.”

(archive link)

    7 days ago

    The western media that has been backing this genocide wants you to believe that this is somehow all on Bibi and not representative of the greater body politic and culture. In fact, Netanyahu is one of the more polite and coded public figures in Isn’treal. He’s a western friendly mask over the most depraved rot of a violent ethnostate.

    According to the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University’s Peace Index polls taken more than a month after the beginning of the massive Israeli bombing of Gaza, which by then had killed thousands, “57.5 percent of Israeli Jews said that they believed the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) were using too little firepower in Gaza, 36.6 percent said the IDF was using an appropriate amount of firepower, while just 1.8 percent said they believed the IDF was using too much firepower.”

    In Isn’treal, there have been protests because the extermination of Gaza is taking too long. Protests because the hostages are not being returned. Protests because Netanyahu is corrupt. Protests because privileged Haredi jews lost their exemption from military service. Protests to prevent the prosecution of Israeli prison guards who are using rape as torture on Palestinians. Protests that the IOF is not attacking Lebanon enough…

    The entire zionist colonial project is founded on the deliberate erasure of Palestinian people, culture and history. Children of zionists are taught that arabs are subhuman from the earliest ages, and that god himself commands genocide. The book of Joshua is required reading for children in Isnt’real for that reason, and Amalek and the destruction of the Canaanites are constantly referenced in regard to Palestinians.

    You need to look inside Isn’treali history, media, literature and internal politics because the US media distorts this reality to protect their “unsinkable aircraft carrier” in the region.

      7 days ago

      I’m very familiar. You’re right that most Israelis back the genocide. You’re wrong if you think all Israelis back the genocide.

      Checkout B’Tselem and Breaking the Silence. Israel kicked out all the international human rights groups, but there’s still a few Israeli NGOs doing good work in Israel.

        7 days ago

        I’m familiar those as well. In going through Breaking the Silence archives, I found very little in the way of anything really anti-Zionist. Mostly it’s unprosecuted war criminals going “wow, that was fucked up”. It’s not at all enough to be anti-genocide, but support the Zionist foundation that continues to cause it. We both know the amount of anti-Zionist jews in Isn’treal is not culturally or politically significant, and will have no foreseeable role in whatever outcome awaits the Zionist entity. I invite any that exist there to leave or take up arms against the state.