I’m all for putting solar panels all over the place, but won’t these get dusty and oily and need loads of cleaning after trains pass over?

Also, costing €623,000 over three years sounds rather expensive for just 100m (although that roughly equates to 11KW).

  • Valmond@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    This just shows you like the idea but don’t have any formal training in say constructing stuff.

    Are you going to run 1000 volt through the rails? The rails who are bolted to the earth, like grounded? Did you think that one over :-) ?

    I mean we all have thise fun ideas, and that’s actually great, because some are good even if the overwhelming numbers are not. The thing is that all the easy ones has been taken.

    About the train “deploying tons a day”, where did you get that from? Also with hundred of thousands panels lining your train tracks you’ll need to replace broken ones, will you stop regular trains to do that?

    And god forbid one rattles loose and wrecks the underside of a passing train as it gets sucked up by the wind from the moving train lol.

    It’s just not a good idea.

    • humanspiral@lemmy.ca
      1 day ago

      I don’t know about the practicality of rails as conductor, but it wouldn’t have to be high voltage.

      About the train “deploying tons a day”, where did you get that from?

      article said special train could deploy 1000 panels per day.