He’d caught two thieves trying to steal his quad bike, so he tied them up and brought them to the police station.
The farmer was then arrested for suspicion of false imprisonment.
Apologies for the crappy local news site.
Bro, how you get red deaded by some Denzel character ass motherfucker trying to steal a quad? That’s some ol bubblegummer ass shit, lower the dose.
…this quote has gold written all over it.
Guess just deal with it and don’t call the cops next time
To quote chief wiggum. “Laws is powerless to help you. not powerless to punish you.”
The Simpsons, prescient as ever.
Never piss off a guy with a backhoe and 160 acres of dirt.
Ah, he’s from Pendle, say no more.
You know someone’s going to get charged with some bullshit offence like allowing a passenger to ride without a helmet, or unsecured load or something.
How did he even do this? How do you overpower two people and do it for long enough that you can tie them up?
Pissed off farmers are often ludicrously strong, and well, pissed off.
Yeah, but against two guys? How do you even find the time to tie up the first one?
I’m sure he worked alone, and any charges by the police are his alone.
Anybody else on the farm was sound asleep at the time.Step 1; have a firearm.
Step 2:, make thief 1 tie up thief 2, under the threat of shooting them.
Step 3: make thief 1 tie up his legs and put his hands behind him.
Step 4; put gun next to you and tie the hands of thief 1.
Step 5: make them hop on your quadbike.
Step 6: drive into a police station and get arrested.
I think the “correct” thing here would’ve been for him to keep them at gunpoint while waiting for the police to arrive to arrest them. Citizen’s arrest are a thing, but hogtying people and making them ride on your quadbike like that? Unnecessary.