The title is similar to the infamous Season 2 clip show TNG: “Shades of Grey”, written due to a writer’s strike at the time.

D’Erika is eating wing-slug rolls. Orion wing-slugs were mentioned by Lwaxana Troi in TNG: “Ménage à Trois”, and offered on a menu in the Shipyard Bar in Star Trek 2009. In beta canon they are said to be native to the Rigel system.

The Stardate is 59376.9 - by TNG reckoning that makes it 2382 (as also reckoned using Naomi Wildman’s age last episode), and Cerritos is at Targalus IX. One of the banners being displayed says “No Money No Problems”, an allusion to the song “Mo Money Mo Problems” by the Notorious B.I.G.

Boimler appears to trying to grow facial hair, probably inspired by his parallel counterpart from last episode. He’s calling his tips “Bointers”. He is addressed as Commander even though his rank remains LT-jg, presumably because he’s in command of this away team.

The shuttle Sequoia, named after the California National Park like all Cerritos shuttles, was damaged in LD: “No Small Parts” and has been under repair since LD: “Strange Energies”.

The Blue Orions are House Azure now, and a blazzard is a kind of domesticated Orion bird with reptilian features. Tendi says Orions haven’t used sailships in hundreds of years. Bajoran lightships used solar sails as far back as the 16th Century (DS9: “Explorers”), and R’ongovian ships also used solar sails for ceremonial purposes (SNW: “Spock Amok”).

The Orion sailship doesn’t have inertial dampeners, and neither did the Bajoran lightship. Inertial dampeners are only critical at FTL speeds, and solar sails are not meant for that. However, like Sisko’s Bajoran lightship, the Orion sailship does appear to have gravity plating.

Sarium krellide is a material used in power cells or in explosives (TNG: “In Theory”), and also powered Starfleet combadges (PRO: “Observer’s Paradox”).

Phlox kept a Pyrithian Bat as part of his menagerie on the NX-01 (ENT: “Flight or Fight”, et al.).

“It is possible to do everything right and still get your away team kidnapped by the corporate elite,” is a paraphrase of Picard’s “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose,” from TNG: “Peak Performance”.

On Hysperia, they keep dragons for pets and call their warp drives “dragonsbreath engines” (LD: “Where Pleasant Fountains Lie”).

T’Lyn appears to have added herself to the cartoon squiggles of the others on the Sequoia’s hatch.

Boimler tells Mackler to “turn away from the mountain”. The Black Mountain is a spiritual battleground in the afterlife (LD: “We’ll Always Have Tom Paris”) which Boimler has seen when he died briefly (LD: “In the Cradle of Vexilon”).

Assisting T’Lyn in demolishing Sequoia is Goodgey, Badgey’s good twin from LD: “A Few Badgeys More”.