• eddie_of_ny@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Here’s your tinfoil hat.

    Thanks, it’s quite comfy

    hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin

    These have been shown to be effective against covid as part of a larger treatment plan. No one was telling people to go buy ivermectin at the feed store. Btw, the ivermectin is FDA approved for human use as an antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial. It’s on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, and I even remember a video that made the rounds a couple of years ago where Dr. Fauci himself let slip that ivermectin is part of an effective treatment against covid.

    The people who are discredited over COVID are not discredited for holding controversial professional views, but for going batshit fucking insane across the board.

    Down right false.

    You’re just trolling


    Do you enjoy embarrassing yourself?


    I have numbers

    …from the NIH, the organization Dr. Fauci, with all his monetary incentives to push the vax, is in charge of. Nice try glowie

    we basically eradicated most of those illnesses

    Yeah, with traditional vaccines that have years or even decades of long-term safety data, not with mRNA gene therapies that have only been around for 3 years.

    It’s funny cuz when Trump first started Operation Warpspeed and was talking about how he was pushing the vax through with all the FDA tests, I seem to remember all the lefties being against it. But the moment it became Biden’s vaccine, all this sketchy stuff was suddenly fine