• Erk@cdda.social
    10 months ago

    I don’t think you need to keep your expectations low, just keep them realistic. It’s a Bethesda game, it plays like their other games… it’s a whole ton of jank muddled up and duct taped until it holds together just enough for launch. This time they raised the bar to what counts as “holding together” to the level of the other major studios, but a lot of the gameplay systems still feel unfinished. In this I actually think it’s a lot like modern NMS, where things like outpost building feel like they’re actively contradictory to things like settlements; outposts in SF feel like someone did them early in the dev cycle and was then pulled off to work somewhere else and the only attention they got from then on was making sure they didn’t crash the game. Then you’ve also got the typical Bethesda game stuff that people are acting surprised Pikachu about. The character animations look weird sometimes, low poly NPCs especially, there are too many load screens in some places, performance is poor considering the level of graphics, etc.

    However, as long as you know what you’re getting into, imo it’s a great game. The storyline is interesting enough to be fun, but also manages to skip that annoying thing where you’re off learning to be a space pirate for months while your family is being held hostage or something. Some of the side stories are excellent, and the game rewards you well for just taking your time doing stuff. I got caught with contraband yesterday… usually I hit the grav drive and escape rather than paying the fine, but I decided I didn’t care and suddenly found myself embroiled in a shockingly compelling crime drama scene instead of the usual simple dialogue options. There’s shit like that everywhere. There’s an entire cyberpunk mini city half-hidden beneath the main city that you can just not find for dozens of hours, and when you finally get taken there it’s really cool to realize it was under your feet the whole time. And these aren’t even significant spoilers, there’s more that I could tell you that would wreck the surprise for you.

    Basically, go in expecting a game like morrowind/Skyrim/oblivion, where it’s all about a huge breadth of interestint content (and yeah a fair bit of mediocre content because there’s so much of it all) rather than any specific thing being the best in the genre, and you won’t have to keep your expectations low.